这家来自埃塞俄比亚的家庭种植咖啡品牌要在中国开100家店Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu has a dream: that everyone should one day taste hand-roasted Ethiopian coffee.贝丝丽罕·提拉轰·阿勒木有个梦想:让每个...
1.play devil's advocate【原句】Just to play devil's advocate, maybe he has the most basic understanding of supply and demand. (S05E01)【翻译】我忠言逆耳一下,...
Phil带着Haley去参观他的母校,期间他对女儿太过保护令Haley大感吃不消。Claire趁着孩子们和丈夫不在家,要Mitchell和 Cameron带她去狂欢。Gloria对Manny似有秘密瞒着她大感不安。来看《摩登家庭》第三季第六集,英语君总结了三个知识点。1. alma materalm...
What was your weirdest Christmas gift ever?你收过的最奇怪的圣诞礼物是什么? 获得706好评的答案@Akia VongdaraWhen I was about 15, my parents walked into my room while I was as...
今天要讲的这部剧,大家可能听不太懂,因为是一部德语剧。它可以说是Netflix近两年口碑最好的几部剧之一。它就是这部《巴比伦柏林》:Babylon Berlin《巴比伦柏林》刚看到这部剧的时候,很多人以为不会多好看,因为它是一部罪案剧,这个门类的剧实在太多了,而且往往很难拍出特色;更不用说它的背景还...
Don't we all love a good Samaritan to tell our cold hearts that there is indeed good in all of us?我们都喜爱乐善好施的人,来证明在我们冷酷的心中确实存在着善意。A Chinese lady wa...
Former President Barack Obama spent Wednesday afternoon visiting the Children's National Hospital in northwest Washington, D.C. where he delivered...
好课那么多,本周特价课程应该如何秒杀?今天,英语君特地给大家挑选了7门精品课程,每天的优惠力度都不相同,感兴趣的小伙伴千万不要错过! 秒杀日:12.21 西班牙语零起点0-B2高级直达【学霸现金奖励班】 超值学霸班 学完返30%现金 可提现课程介绍:1.可以与西语国家的朋友进行毫不费力地交流;2.能...
Johnny Depp's tenure as Captain Jack Sparrow has officially come to an end, following a Disney executive's confirmation that the actor will no...
People like to talk a big game about what they would do if they ever met a celebrity, but what happens when the moment actually arrives?One Web user a...