It means to live work in a way that causes you feel anxiety and Some people perform well under pressure and some others don't.Athletes m...
If someone says, "The best advice is found on the pillow," he/she means that it might not be good to worry about your problem now. You may b...
It means to be in the same unpleasant situation as other If he loses his job he'll be in the same boat as any other unemployed person.N...
It means to eat until you are satisfied, eat as much as you can eg: Eat your fill. You won't have another meal till we get home. Note:Eat your fil...
It means that everything is clean and orderly, ready for inspectioneg: We're ready for the demonstration. Everything is shipshape. Note:Shipshape的...
It means you can give someone the opportunity to learn or to do something, but you can never force him to accept that opportunity.Eg: Greg always comp...
万人迷可真是个让人羡慕不已的字眼,美国俚语(尤其美国黑人俚语)中,万人迷”可用mack daddy”或者mac daddy”来表达,以此形容事业有成、魅力四射,颇有女人缘的男人。不过,mack daddy”最初的含义可没那么风光。Mack daddy&...
Hitchhike这个词源于美国,最早出现在大约1923年,表示(向过往的汽车或卡车里的陌生人)求得免费搭乘。 hitch的本义是系在一起”,特指临时性的动作,比如我们可以把马车套在马身上。hike表示步行或行军,特指精力蓬勃的远足。 远足多数是为了游乐,但如果要走很远的路去某地的话,走...
Chew the fat是一个俗语,表示非正式的谈话或讨论,海阔天空的闲谈。” 在二十世纪之前的英国,chew the fat和抱怨、嘀咕”的意思非常相近。到了二十世纪早期,chew the fat开始有了现在这个含义。 chew的本义是咀嚼”,那么,为什么咀嚼f...
美国发动伊拉克战争后,总统乔治·布什受到不少反战主义者的攻击,被笑称为Aunt Sally。美国总统怎么成了莎莉姑妈”呢?这就要追溯到Aunt Sally这个习语的起源了。 在十九世纪的露天集市和狂欢节上,Aunt Sally是一种很流行的游戏。游戏规则是这样的:场地中间通...