昌盛的英文:prosperous参考例句:Prosperous and flourishing昌盛兴隆The people are prosperous子民昌盛The destiny of the state is prosperous鼎运昌盛Education thrives; industrie...
猖獗的盗版行为的英文:rampant piracyrampant是什么意思:adj. 猖獗的;蔓延的Rampant ivy had covered the wall. 密密的常春藤遮住了这面墙。Crime and lawlessness are rampant as never before in ...
猖狂的英文:savagefurious参考例句:Run amuck against society猖狂地与社会作对Enemies' savage faned our troops' will to fight. 敌人的猖狂激起了我军的斗志。The more they run amuc...
肠梗阻的英文:ileus参考例句:Mechanical intestinal obstruction机械性肠梗阻Intestinal Obstruction due to Ascarasis蛔虫性肠梗阻A few other conditions are in high intestinal obs...