超凡的英文:transcendency参考例句:Out of this world; outstanding好得不得了;超凡的He has the supernal happiness of a quiet death.他有寿终正寝的超凡幸福。His extraordinary skill was ...
超凡蜘蛛侠的英文:The Amazing Spider-Man(是美国华纳兄弟儿童频道出品的动画。)amazing是什么意思:adj.令人惊异的Their harmonic tones amazed us.他们的和声使我们震惊不已。You're an amazing bargain hunt...
超负荷的英文:excess loadextra dutyovercapacityoverloadsuperimposed load参考例句:The phones there are overloaded.那里的电话超负荷。Don't overload the electrical syste...
超高的英文:superelevation参考例句:superhigh frequency【无】超高频率An electron tube used to amplify or generate ultrahigh frequency by means of velocity modulation.速调...
超高频的英文:hyperfrequencysuperfrequencyUHF参考例句:UHF electronstatic control tube静电控制超高频电子管(栅控管)These extremely high frequencies allow proportionately wider ...
超高压的英文:hyperpressuresupertensionultrahigh pressure参考例句:Extra-high-pressure mercury vapor lamp超高压水银灯The switching surge insulation level (SIL) is the d...
超光速的的英文:superluminal参考例句:How would you know the hyperdrive is deactivated?你怎知道超光速被人破坏了?Did your men deactivate the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon...
超过的英文:exceed参考例句:above one's head超过...理解力 Her writing is ahead of the times.她的作品是超过时代的。His age is over thirty.他的年龄已超过30。Arithmetic result exceeded...
超过的的英文:surpassing参考例句:above one's head超过...理解力 Her writing is ahead of the times.她的作品是超过时代的。His age is over thirty.他的年龄已超过30。Arithmetic result exc...
唱票的英文:call out the names votedcall是什么意思:v. 把...叫做;认为...是;打电话叫;大声呼叫;召唤;打电话;访问n. 打电话;通话;短暂拜访;请求;呼吁;召唤;呼唤call upon; call on应用;访问;号召;呼吁 This is called wow...