1 . Dr. Ferrara is an excellent obstetrician - gynecologist . I highly recommend her.
费拉拉医师是个很优秀的妇产科医师. 我强力推荐她.
2 . Husband # 9 was a gynecologist all he did was look at it.
3 . How was your gynecologist appointment?
4 . Which gynecologist can tell me alvine often ache, menstruation also not the rule, how to do?
哪位妇科医生能告诉我小腹经常疼痛, 月经也不规律, 怎么办?
5 . Gynecologist ( south ) whether does the private parts that sees a woman break the law?
妇科医生 ( 南的 ) 看女人的私处是否违法?
行业释义网络释义 医学1.妇科学家
-gynecologist1 . 妇科医生
172 gyn gynec 妇女用gynecologist(妇科医生)来记忆。173
2 . 妇科学家
3 . 妇科医师
pediatrician, pediatrist 儿科医师gynecologist妇科医师tocologist, obstetrician 产科医师
相关词条+gynecologist appointment1 . 妇产科检查
how was your gynecologist appointment ?你的妇产科检查怎样了?
+my gynecologist1 . 我的妇产科医生
my gynecologist tried to kill me ., 我的妇产科医生想杀我.
+other gynecologists1 . 其他妇科医生
Dr. desai called in other gynecologists and the region' s top internal medicine specialist .德赛医生叫来了其他妇科医生和这个地区最好的内科专家。
+in gynecologist1 . 在妇科医生
to commonFemaleFor , tubal ligate operation is a kind of very common contraceptive method , it is however in gynecologist , the scale that uses this kind of method is less than commonFemalehalf .对于普通女性来说,输卵管结扎手术是一种非常普遍的避孕方法,然而在妇科医生中,采用这种方法的比例不到普通女性的一半。