网络释义 -dungaree
1 . 粗蓝布
代用滑片 dummy silder粗蓝布 dungaree导辊 duo
2 . 粗棉布
dung-fork 施肥耙dungaree粗棉布dungeon 地牢
3 . 背带裙
写给爱漂亮的女孩子们 zhuan ... Dress 连衣裙 Strapless dress 无肩带连衣裙 Layered dress 蛋糕裙 Pinafore 背心裙 Dungaree 背带裙.
4 . 斜纹劳动布
彩色格子布gingham check斜纹劳动布dungaree牛津布oxford
相关词条+dungarees1 . 工装裤
... 雪花膏 vanishing cream; face cream 工装裤overalls; dungarees; jeans 铁皮玩具 Tin Toy.
+black dungarees1 . 黑色工装裤
she has spectrally pale skin and long grey-white hair , and is wearing black dungarees .她有着幽灵般苍白的皮肤和长长的灰白头发,穿着黑色工装裤。
+blue dungarees1 . 蓝色工作服
dressed in blue dungarees and wellies , a British dairy farmer performs Tai Chi in front of his 100 cows every morning in the hope of boosting their milk yield , The Times reported Sunday .《泰晤士报》近日报道,英国一农夫每早身穿蓝色工作服和胶鞋,在他的100头奶牛面前练太极,以提高牛奶产量。
+blue dungaree1 . 蓝劳动布
blue decoration carpet 白三兰地毯blue dungaree 蓝劳动布blue dye laser 蓝色染料激光器