

分类: 英文单词 





复数:dos  复数:did  复数:done  复数:doing  复数:does  

1 . Look, you've typed "do" as'so ", and made nonsense of the whole sentence.

瞧, 你把do打成了so, 这样一来句子就不通了.


2 . Beauty is an attitude. It has nothing to do with age.



3 . The best thing to do when entering unknown territory is smile.



4 . Failure is never quite so frightening as regret do .


来自金山词霸 每日一句

5 . For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?




be nothing to do with

1 . 不关…的事;不用…操心

be to do with

2 . 与…有关;与…有联系

do a —

3 . (非正式)(在举止行为上)模仿(某人)

do battle

4 . 开战,开始冲突

do one

5 . (北英格兰,非正式)走开

do one's head (或 nut in 或 do one's head)

6 . (英,非正式)暴怒;极其担心;极其激动

do the honoursdo someone/thing justicedon't — me

7 . (非正式)不要对我说…

dos and don'ts

8 . 行为准则;须知

do well for oneself

9 . 变得成功;致富

do well out of

10 . 靠…赚钱;得益于

have got — to do with

11 . 与(某人,某物)有多大关系

it isn't done

12 . (英)[用于表示说话人认为某事与习俗、舆论或礼节相悖]不合适的,不可行的

it won't do

13 . [用来表示说话人不满意某人的行为并认为不应再让其继续下去]不行

no you don't

14 . (非正式)(用于阻止某人的行为)别那样

that does it!

15 . (非正式)[用来表示某人再也不能容忍某事了] 够了!行了!

that's done it!

16 . (非正式)[用来表示出问题时的沮丧或愤怒] 完了!

do someone/thing down

17 . (英, 非正式)(多指用卑鄙手段)打败;压倒;制服;欺骗

do something (或 nothing ) for

18 . (非正式)改善(或有损于)外观;改进(或减损)质量

do someone in

19 . (非正式)杀死

do something in

20 . (非正式)损伤(某物)

do someone out of

21 . (非正式)(以不光彩、不公平的手段)剥夺某人(的某物)

do something out

22 . (英,非正式)(用特定风格、色彩或材料)装修;布置

do someone over

23 . (英,非正式)痛打

do something over

24 . (英,非正式)(尤指为寻找贵重物品)洗劫

do someone up

25 . (尤指精心地或隆重地)打扮;装饰(某人)

do something up

26 . 系紧;系牢

do with

27 . 认为…有用;想要;想做

do by

28 . 尊重:在某方面表现;对待

do for

29 . 供养;照顾

do in 【俚语】

30 . 使劳累:使精疲力尽;使疲乏

do up

31 . 精心打扮:打扮得花枝招展

do without

32 . 没有…也可以:在没有某物的情况下设法完成


do a disappearing act【非正式用语】

1 . 消失,不见

do away with

2 . 结束;减少

do (one) proud

3 . 成功,取得成就:以引起自豪的方式做或表现

do (one's) bit

4 . 尽责,尽本分:朝向整体目标而做出个人的贡献

do (one's) own thing【俚语】

5 . 做最拿手或最喜爱做的事

do or die

6 . 拼命干,不成功毋宁死

同义词 perform act behave produce 语源Old English dōn, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch doenand German tun, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek tithēmiI place and Latin faceremake, do英英释义网络释义常用俚语 noun

1.an uproarious party

2.the syllable naming the first (tonic) note of any major scale in solmization


1.engage in;

make love, not war

2.carry out or perform an action;

John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters

3.get (something) done;

I did my job

4.proceed or get along;

How is she doing in her new job?

5.give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally;

cause a commotion

6.carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions;

practice law

7.be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity;

A few words would answer

8.create or design, often in a certain way;

Do my room in blue

9.behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself;

You should act like an adult

10. spend time in prison or in a labor camp;

He did six years for embezzlement

11. carry on or manage;

We could do with a little more help around here

12. arrange attractively;

dress my hair for the wedding

13. travel or traverse (a distance);

This car does 150 miles per hour


1 . 做


2 . 干

dizzy 头晕目眩的do做,干▲doctor 医生,大夫;博士

3 . 做的事

He explained to us what we were expected to do., 他向我们说明要我们做的事.

4 . 做的事情

the little girl did the only thing she could do. she up on the bed next to the great man . tears ran from both of their eyes and drew her arms around the use le shoulders of her father .小丫头做了她唯一可以做的事情。她爬到了父亲旁边的那张床上。泪水从他们的眼中夺框而出,她伸出胳膊拥住了父亲无力的双肩。

相关词条+do do do do you know

1 . 倒数记时

do do do do you know ., 我倒数记时.

+do do do your

1 . 你你你

do do do your dirty words ., 你你你一受到打击.

+do do do do

1 . 再再再再再

...ma boy[泫雅]无论何时都非常帅气的你你你你你(no no no no)再再再再再(do do do do)靠近我一点吧my boy[ 소 현 ] 거 울 아 거 울 아 이 세 상 에 누 가 제 일 예 쁘 니 ? [昭贤]镜子啊镜子啊这世界上谁最漂.

+do --

1 . 作人

he knew that there was only one thing left to do -- to turn over a new page .他知道只有一条出路,那就是重新作人。

1.He was doing his number about how you have to alienate no one.


2.The thief was caught and done up.


3.We'll do up some hash.


4.He has the obsessive do or die attitude.


5.I was determined to get there—do or die.


6.Do-right boys patrol day and night guarding the highway.



电脑术语(环境监测氧参数) DO 溶解氧,(dissolved oxygen;DO )空气中的分子态氧溶解在水中称为溶解氧。水中的溶解氧的含量与空气中氧的分压、水的温度都有密切关系。在自然情况下,空气中的含氧量变动不大,故水温是主要的因素,水温愈低,水中溶解氧的含量愈高。溶解于水中的分子态氧称为溶解氧,通常记作DO,用每升水里氧气的毫克数表示。水中溶解氧的多少是衡量水体自净能力的一个指标。 电脑术语 DO abbr. 1. =Defense Or

