

分类: 英语语法 
无论是写作还是考试,很多人都会因为不知道该怎么准确的表达出自己的意思而苦恼,而好不容易写出了个句子,很可能也会因为太过简单,或者不符合英语用语习惯而得不到好评,这种时候平常的积累就非常需要了,小编这次为大家带来一些可以提升英语水平的句型,快点背起来吧!1) 一般否定句  
I don't know this. No news is good news.  
There is no person /not a person/not any person in the house.  2)特指否定  
He went to his office, not to see him.  I am sorry for not coming on time.  
I don't think/believe/suppose/feel/imagine you are right.  3)部分否定 :否定词加表示全体的词
I don't know all of them.  
I can't see everybody/everything.  
All the answers are not right. 4)全体否定  
None of my friends smoke.  I can see nothing/nobody.  
Nothing can be so simple as this.  Neither of them is right.  5) 延续否定  
You didn't see him, neither/nor did I.  6) 半否定句:利用带有消极否定意义的副词
We seldom/hardly/scarcely/barely hear such fine singing.  I know little English.  I saw few people.  7) 双重否定 :双重否定相当于肯定
You can't make something out of nothing.What's done cannot be undone. No gain without pains.  
No man is so old but (that) he can learn.  8)排除否定  
Everyone is ready except you.  He did nothing but play.  
But for your help, I couldn't do it.   9)加强否定: 利用否定词来加强语气
I won't do it at all. 以上就是这次的内容了,是不是非常丰富呢?大家可要好好的将它们背下来,英语学习重在积累,平常的认真积累一定会在关键时候发挥大作用的。

