

分类: 英文单词 





过去式:came  过去式:come  过去式:coming  过去式:comes  

1 . We'll go to a meeting in Birmingham and come straight back.



2 . Come along, lad. Time for you to get home.



3 . The news will come as a great relief to the French authorities.



4 . Many of the clothes come from the world's top fashion houses.



5 . Don't expect me to come and visit you there.




come about

1 . 出现;发生

come across

2 . 偶然遇到或找到

come along

3 . 进展:对一个目标有进步;前进

come around 或 come round

4 . 恢复,还原

come at

5 . 获得;得到

come back

6 . 东山再起:在一段不幸之后回到或再获得过去的成功

come by

7 . 占有;取得

come down

8 . 失去财富或地位

come in

9 . 开始生产。用于油井

come into

10 . 获得,尤指遗产

come off

11 . 发生;出现

come on

12 . 表现个人特定形象

come out

13 . 成为众所周知

come over

14 . 改变立场,例如在争论中

come through

15 . 作要求的或预期的事

come to

16 . 恢复知觉

come up

17 . 显现;出现

come upon

18 . 偶然发现或遇到

as — as they come

19 . 最…的;非常…的

come again?

20 . (非正式)你说什么;请再说一遍;请解释一下

come and go

21 . 来了又走,来来往往;自由走动

come from behind

22 . 后来居上

come off it

23 . (非正式)住口;别胡说;别吹了;别装了

come right

24 . (非正式)有好结果

come the —

25 . (非正式)装出;假装

come to nothing

26 . 落空;徒劳无功;没有结果

come to pass

27 . (主诗/文)发生;出现

come to rest

28 . 终于停止移动

come to that (或 if it comes to that)

29 . (非正式)事实上;其实(用于引出另一点)

come to think of it

30 . (讲话时)突然想起来

come what may

31 . 无论如何;不管发生什么

have it coming (to one)

32 . (非正式)活该

how come?

33 . (非正式)怎么会这样;为什么会发生

to come

34 . [跟在名词之后]未来的;将来的

where someone is coming from

35 . (非正式)(人的)意图;动机;个性

come aroundcome away

36 . 做某事后觉得(或留下印象、得到结果)

come before

37 . 被交由(法官,法庭)处理

come between

38 . 妨碍(或干扰)(两人之间的)关系

come for

39 . (警察,其他公务员)来逮捕(或拘留)

come forward

40 . 自告奋勇;主动争取;自愿作证

come from

41 . 来自;源自

come of

42 . 由…引起;起因于

come on to

43 . (非正式)献殷勤;求爱;求欢

come out in

44 . (英)(人的皮肤)突然布满(斑疹,其他相似物)

come round chiefly Brit. 主美 亦作 主英

45 . 恢复知觉,苏醒

come under

46 . 被归为(或归入)


come a cropper

1 . 彻底失败

come clean

2 . 全都坦白

come down on

3 . 申斥,谴责:严厉地且强有力地处罚、反对或谴责

come down to

4 . 直率地面对或处理

come down with

5 . 染病,得病:因(一种病)感到身体不舒服

come in for

6 . 接受;服从

come into (one's) own

7 . 获得属于某人的东西

come off it【俚语】

8 . 住口,别胡扯:停止动作或愚蠢地或狂妄地谈话。常用于祈使语气

come out with

9 . 进行谈话;讲话

come to blows

10 . 开始肉搏

come to grief

11 . 遇到不幸;失败

come to grips with

12 . 使直接面临并打算断然处理

come to light 或 come to hand

13 . 被清楚地暴露或揭发

come to terms

14 . 互相理解:诚实地面对并达到完全地和客观地了解

come true

15 . 实现,达到:按预期发生

come up against

16 . 碰见困难,遭遇问题:碰见,尤指困难和主要问题

come up with

17 . 宣布或发现

同义词vi.1.来到;达到;出现”释义下的同义词 happen arrive appear approach 反义词vi.1.来;变成;发生;来自”释义下的同义词 disappear quit withdraw depart go leave vanish 语源Old English cuman, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch komenand German kommen英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语vern

1.move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody;

He came singing down the road

2.reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress;

She arrived home at 7 o'clock

3.come to pass; arrive, as in due course;

The first success came three days later

4.reach a state, relation, or condition;

The water came to a boil

5.to be the product or result;

Melons come from a vine

6.enter or assume a condition, relation, use, or position;

He came into contact with a terrorist group

7.be found or available;

These shoes come in three colors; The furniture comes unassembled

8.come forth;

A scream came from the woman's mouth

9.be a native of;

She hails from Kalamazoo

10. extend or reach;

The water came up to my waist

11. exist or occur in a certain point in a series;

Next came the student from France

12. come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example;

She was descended from an old Italian noble family

13. cover a certain distance;

She came a long way

14. come under, be classified or included;

fall into a category

15. happen as a result;

Nothing good will come of this

16. add up in number or quantity;

The bills amounted to $2,000

17. develop into;

This idea will never amount to anything

18. be received;

News came in of the massacre in Rwanda

19. come to one's mind; suggest itself;

It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary

20. proceed or get along;

How is she doing in her new job?

21. experience orgasm;

she could not come because she was too upset

22. have a certain priority;

My family comes first



2. uptime 开始向杀菌锅内通入蒸汽至锅内温度达到规定的杀菌温度的时间。


1 . 来


2 . 到

519. double a. 两倍的,成双的520. comevi. 来,到,出现521. lower a. 下部的,低级的

3 . 得出

i might have cometo a wrong conclusion ., 我或许得出了错误的结论.

4 . 来到

...valuable: val(价值)+u+-able(…的)→有价值的9. ven/vent=come(来到)adventure: ad-(to)+vent(来到)+-ure→冒险

相关词条+information age comes comes

1 . 信息时代到来

the wallop place that information age comes comes to stop county of a Chong Yi , those who accelerate Information Industry pace to trail a period far more than esteems justice county !信息时代到来的冲击力所至岂止一个崇义县,加快信息产业步伐追踪时代的又何止一个崇义县!

+come rain come shine

1 . 爱不爱

站内搜索 COME 共找到 2350 个视频爱不爱韩国版预告爱不爱韩国版(come rain come shine) 总播放数: 51,625 导演: 李润基.

2 . 风雨晴

这一合作带来了一款灯罩设计-”风雨晴”(Come Rain Come Shine)-其特点在于传统的刺绣加上一组绳索编织物环绕在一个圆形金属框架上。伯恩切让Artecnica将这一设计转化成了商业产品。

+come come down with

1 . 突然生病

3. 停下来come come down with 突然生病,病倒come under criticism 受到批评

+come come out dictionary

1 . 来到出来词典

australia come come out dictionary drop else hardly ., 澳大利亚来到出来词典别人难以下降.

1.The project is coming up to the wire and we're a bit nervous.


2.Who came out on top in the poll?


3.To everybody's astonishment, the scheme came off.


4.I'll find out come hell or high water.



释义 [kʌm] vi. (came [keim]; come) 来, 到; 走近; 接近; 到来, 来临 产生, 发生; 发现; 引起 [常与to连用]来自; 归因是, 结果是 出现于, 位于 达到, 延伸; 伸展到 [常与 on, along 连用]成熟起来 需要锛埬持诛級代价锛埐拍苁迪郑 得到锛 [常与 of, from 连用]出身, 出生于 [常与 up 连用]进展; 提升 [常与 to 连用]等于, 总共, 共达。.. 有; 装; 存 生活得锛埲绾物級 锛埢跷锏蕊級被供应 [常与 n

