1 . I was born cherubic and chubby.
2 . The affable Keefe a friendly smile cherubic countenance, a checked sports jacket and gabardine slacks.
基夫圆脸庞,笑容可掬, 穿着格子纹的运动衫和华达呢便裤.
网络释义 -cherubic1 . 天使的
cherub 小天使cherubic天使的cherup 吱喳鸣叫
2 . 胖乎乎而天真无邪的
GRE test vocabulary GRE词汇... ... chef 厨师 cherubic胖乎乎而天真无邪的 chicanery 诡计,狡诈.
3 . 白胖可爱的
Lovelytits4u De Javascrip... ... 可爱的小孩 little darling 可爱之女孩 cutey 白胖可爱的 cherubic.
4 . 无邪的
...的厨师。同源词还有head头,capital首都,cap帽子,cabbage卷心菜等。h→c→ch。cherubic天使的; 可爱的; 无邪的cherub表示小天使、胖娃娃,-ic形容后缀。.
相关词条+a cherub1 . 个婴儿
his might have been a cherub's mouth , had not the full , sensuous lips a trick , under stress , of drawing firmly across the teeth .他那丰满敏感的双唇若不是在有压力时会紧紧地抿起来,倒像是个婴儿的嘴。
+cherubic face1 . 张娃娃脸
appearance , Donahue stocky , and had a cherubic face which made him look younger than the forty-nine he was .唐纳休身材短粗,有一张娃娃脸,看上去比他四十九岁的年龄要年轻一些。
+a cherubic1 . 一张娃娃
appearance , Donahue stocky , and had a cherubic face which made him look younger than the forty-nine he was .唐纳休身材短粗,有一张娃娃脸,看上去比他四十九岁的年龄要年轻一些。
+cherub in1 . 天使在
if you're a relationship where your partner has total financial control , make a move towards independence , the lunar eclipse on 7 July puts a long-awaited cherub in your hands .你的伴侣是总财务控制,让你想走向独立,月食于7月7日一个期待已久的天使在你的手中。