
英语口语是怎样练成的Unit 20:Refusal 拒绝

分类: 英语口语 

谈论拒绝  入门篇


Can I give you a hand with that?

Thanks a lot, but I can do it myself。

I’m not in the mood to go out。

Sorry, I‘m busy tonight。

I’m afraid I have to leave now。

I can't talk while I’m working。

Can I take a arrange check on that?

I can't make up my mind now。

I‘d love to, but I’m pretty busy now。

Please excuse me for a little while, I want to do something。

情景对话(Situational Dialogue)

Can I give you a hand with that?

Thank you, that will be nice.

Do you need my help?

Thanks a lot, I can do it myself.

Shall we go out have something fun?

I'm not in the mood to go out.

Sahll we go disco tonight?

Sorry, I'm busy tonight.

Perhaps we can talk about this over dinnner.

I'm afraid I have to leave now. Maybe another time.

Can you talk about for a second?

Sorry, I can't talk about working.

Do you sure remember our date tonight?

Oh, sorry, Can I take a arrange check on that? I can't make up my mind.

Why not, you need a job, Don't hesitate.

Do you want to go fishing this weekend.

I'd love to, but I'm pretty busy now.

Please excuse me for a little while , I want to do something.

Go ahead, I’m OK.

Grammar exercise语法精炼

can I give you a hand with that.
Can I give you a hand with your bag
Can I give you a hand with your baggage.

Thanks a lot, but I can do it myself.
No problem, but I can do it myself.
That’s ok, but I can do it myself.

I’m not in the mood to go out.
I’m not in the mood to go out with her.
I’m not in the mood to talk to her.

Sorry I’m busy tonight
Sorry, I’m busy this afternoon.
Sorry I’m busy this weekend.

I’m afraid I have to leave now.
I’m afraid I have to do it now.
I’m afraid I have to tell him right away.

I can’t talk while I am working.
I can’t make phone calls while I am working.
I can’t sleep while I am working.

Can I take a arrange check on that. How about next Monday.
Can I take a arrange check on that. How about this weekend.
Can I take a arrange check on that . how about tomorrow.

I can’t make up my mind right now.
He can’t make up his mind right now.
She can’t make up her mind right now.

I’d love to , but I am pretty busy now.
He’d love to but he is pretty busy now.
She’d love to , but she is pretty busy now.

Please excuse me for a little while, I want to do something.
Please excuse me for a little while, I want to eat something.
Please excuse me for a little while, I want to drink something.

Do you think it is polite to refuse people directly?
What do you think it is the best way to refuse people?
Have you had any experience of refusing people?

What was the reaction of the person when you refuse him.
Are you willing to do everythting for other people
What are the things that you most probably refuse to do for other people
Have you ever been refused by other people

What do you feel when you are refused by other people
What do you think it is the correct attitude towards the refuse of other people?
What do you think it’s the best way to avoid the arguments of being refused


Do you think it’s t polite to refuse people directly?

No I don’t think so.

It’s not polite to refuse other people directly

What do you think it is the best way to refuse people?

If you really have to refuse somebody, You’d better do politely. That was proper excuse.

Have you had any experience of refusing people?

I think get vocation from people is not very permission have an experience and I get very tired from work, so I really reject this politely.

What was the reaction of the person when you refuse him.

Usually, it take pretty well. Because I could do it very well.

Are you really to do everything for other people.

I’m not willing to do everything for other people, I don’t what kind to do for other people, I don’t what I don’t like to do for other people

What are the things that you most probably refuse to do for other people

I hate to be invited to dinner party with strange people, I don’t want to bring other people for friends

Have you ever been refused by other people

I have never been reufsed by other people.

What do you feel when you are refused by other people

I thought may I ask other people for help, l like to do things all by myself, I will be very sad if I was refused by other people

What do you think it is the correct attitude towards refuse other people.

The best way to avoid refused of other people, it is not to ask for help all the time , try your best to do everything of your own

What do you think it’s the best way toward being refused

In case you have to been asked people for help you should be prepared to face argument been refused, I don’t like arguments been refused , so I try my best to do everything of my own
A wonderful speech.

It is not polite refuse other people directly.

If you really have to refuse somebody, you’d better do it politely


That was properly excuse I often get vocation from people and I am not permission, since I’m very busy with my work everyday and I’m very tired from work at the end of a day, so I usually reject politely. Usually it take pretty well because Because I could do it very well. I’m not willing to do everything for other people, I don’t what kind to do for other people, I don’t what I don’t like to do for other people. I hate to be invited to dinner party with strange people, I don’t want to bring other people for friends
I have never been reufsed by other people. I thought may I ask other people for help, l like to do things all by myself, I will be very sad if I was refused by other people. The best way to avoid refused of other people, it is not to ask for help all the time , try your best to do everything of your own. In case you have to asked people for help you should be prepared to face argument been refused, I don’t like arguments been refused so I try my best to do everything of my own。


Do you think it is polite to refuse other people directly
Does he think it is politely to refuse people directly
Does she think it is politely to refuse people directly

What do you think it is the best way to refuse people
What does he think it is the best way to refuse people

Have you had any experience of refusing other people
Has he had any experience of refusing people
Has she had any experience of refusing people

What was the reaction of the person when you refuse him
What was the reaction of the person when he refuse him
What was the reaction of the person when she refuse him

Are you willing to do everything for other people
Is he willing to do everything for other people
Is she willing to do everything for other people

What are the things that you the most probably refuse to do for other people
Have you ever been refused by other people

What do you feel when you are refused by other people
What do you think it is the correct attitude towards refuse of other people.
What do you think it’s the best way to avoid arguments

