

分类: 英语口语 

Movies 电影艺术
dialogue 1
M_mn: How did you spend the weekend?
Janna: I went to a movic with my boyfiend.
M:ReaIIy? How was it?
J: It was greatirector took a lot of care while frlming. They say be has good chance at winning the Oscar for best directm: Also I like the actors, some really great new young actors.
M: Oh”:ah? What's it about?
J: WeII' it's the classic Iove story between two people from conflictint! backgrounds. But besides a beautiful story, the cincmatography is great. There is some reaIly dramatic footage. It's really quite a visual let. And the soundtrack is moving.
M: Sounds pretty good. Is it a tragedy?
J: The ending is a bit of a surprise. I don 't want to ruin it for you.
_: Oh, I like movies with surprise endings, altbough,somctimes they can be frustrating. Maybe I sbould invite my girlfriend to go next weekend.
J: It would be a tlood choice. The movic is very suitable for Ioves to see togethcr. I'm sure you won't regret it.
dialogue 2
Mog: You like movies?
Janna: Yeah, I think it's the best way to relax.
M: Wbat type do you Iikc bcst?
J: Really it depends on my mood.When I am dcpressed or sad, I likc comcdies. If I'm feeling good I'II watch almost anything.
M: I see. I generally like movies to help me calm down. I think a sign of a good movie is the ability to bring you into the story as if you were pan of it.
J: Yeah, unfortunately, nowadays directors are oflen moreint豇℃stc;d in making money than making a good film.
M: True. The movie industry is becomin8 morc and more commercial. You sec a lot of expensive movies with litOe artistic. I gcncrally think those made in the for are of
 highcr quality on the average than movies today. You can ruunc a lot of classics from that dccadc.
J: Yeah, many of my all-the-time-favorites were made in the forties. They've already stood the test of time and will stay with us for a long time.
M: I'm totally with you on that.

