

分类: 英语口语 

得益于美国文化的全球化传播,世界范围内说英语的人们已经知晓一些奇奇怪怪的美式英语表达,如 bury the hatchet、pass the buck 和 take a rain check,(有关11个流行表达方式的解释)。但无论看过多少好来坞电影,总还是有一些美式俚语的含义让人出其不意。让我们通过下面的十道题测试一下你对当下美语短语的理解如何。


1. If something ‘jumped the shark’, then it:

A. Avoided payment of overdue loans

B. Began a period of inexorable decline in quality or popularity

C. Escaped from a dangerous situation

D. Went down to Florida for the winter

2. A ‘Monday morning quarterback’ is someone who:

A. Is obsessed with American football

B. Is an early enthusiast for something

C. Loves getting things done at the start of the week

D. Passes judgment on and criticizes something after the event

3. A ‘horse of another color’ would refer to:

A. An unrelated matter with distinctly different meaning

B. The odd one out

C. A person from a different state

D. A missed opportunity

4. Someone who ‘bought the farm’ has:

A. Died

B. Come into new wealth

C. Paid off a mortgage

D. Made an awkward comment

5. If you were to ‘lay an egg’, then you would be:

A. Really angry

B. Hungry

C. Completely unsuccessful

D. Opportunistic

6. A ‘Bronx cheer’ refers to:

A. A sound of derision or contempt made by blowing through closed lips

B. A chant popularized by fans of the New York Yankees

C. The sound of a car horn

D. A stabbing

7. If we need to ‘put on the dog’, then we would:

A. Chase behind a car

B. Be servile

C. Eat hot dogs for dinner

D. Behave in an ostentatious way

8. Something ‘up the wazoo’ is:

A. In Canada

B. In a desperate situation

C. At the bottom of a lake

D. In great quantity

9. If you ‘talked turkey’, then you would be:

A. Lying about your true intentions

B. Insulting someone behind their back

C. Discuss something frankly and straightforwardly

D. Obsessed with Thanksgiving planning

10. A John Hancock refers to:

A. A person’s signature

B. An elderly person

C. A revolutionary

D. A breakfast sandwich



