
第100届普利策奖揭晓 来看看哪些新闻得奖了

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第100届普利策奖揭晓 来看看哪些新闻得奖了

Monday marked the 100th year of the Pulitzer Prize, which is awarded annually for excellence in journalism and the arts.




The 2016 Pulitzer Prizes for Journalism

▌Public Service 公共服务奖

The Associated Press 美联社

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The Associated Press won the award for its investigation into abusive practices of the fishing industry in Southeast Asia. The reporting has led to the release of more than 2,000 slaves.


▌Breaking News Reporting 突发新闻报道奖

The Los Angeles Times 《洛杉矶时报》

The Los Angeles Times staff won the prize for its coverage of the San Bernardino shootings and investigation.


▌National Reporting 全国新闻报道奖

The Washington Post《华盛顿邮报》

The Washington Post won the prize for its deep coverage of police shootings resulting in fatalities. The Post created a database containing the details of 990 fatal police shootings across the nation in 2015, and reported a series of of trends based on the data.


▌International Reporting 国际新闻报道奖

The New York Times 《纽约时报》

Alissa J. Rubin of the New York Times won the award for thoroughly reported and movingly written accounts giving voice to Afghan women who were forced to endure unspeakable cruelties.

《纽约时报》的记者Alissa J. Rubin对长期饱受折磨的阿富汗女性进行了详尽的报道,文笔优美感人,使阿富汗女性得以发声。



解释报道奖:非赢利组织“马歇尔计划”(the Marshall Project)

特稿写作奖:《纽约客》杂志的Kathryn Schulz,获奖作品是“The Really Big One”。



The 2016 Pulitzer Prize Winners For Letters And Drama

▌The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 小说奖

《同情者》(The Sympathizer),阮越清(Viet Thanh Nguyen)

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The Pulitzer committee lauded "The Sympathizer" as "a layered immigrant tale told in the wry, confessional voice of a 'man of two minds' -- and two countries, Vietnam and the United States."


▌The Pulitzer Prize for Poetry 诗歌奖

《臭氧期刊》(Ozone Journal),彼得·巴莱卡(Peter Balakian)

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▌The Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction 非小说类奖

《黑色旗帜:IS的崛起》(Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS),沃里克(Joby Warrick)

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▌The Pulitzer Prize for Drama 戏剧类奖

《汉密尔顿》(Hamilton),马努艾尔·米兰达(Lin-Manuel Miranda)

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历史奖:T·J·斯泰尔斯(T.J. Stiles) 《卡斯特的审判:新美洲先驱的人生》(Custer’s Trials: A Life on the Frontier of a New America)

传记或自传奖:威廉·芬尼根(William Fnnegan) 《野蛮的日子:冲浪生活》(Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life)

音乐奖:亨利·斯利达吉尔(Henry Threadgill) 《一不做,二不休》(In for a Penny, In for a Pound)


