1. This dog who regrets not just going around the fence:
1. 后悔没乖乖待在栏杆里面的汪:
2. This dog who wishes he would have chosen a better nap spot:
2. 这只汪后悔没选个舒服点的地方睡觉:
3. This dog who decided to go through the cat door:
3. 想钻一回猫洞的汪:
4. This dog who got stuck in a raccoon cage:
4. 被浣熊笼子困住的汪:
5. This dog watching a kid play with a fake dog:
5. 盯着小孩子玩玩具狗的汪:
6. This dog who just wanted to be more comfortable:
6. 只是想舒服躺一下的汪:
7. This dog who just wanted a snack:
7. 只是想吃点零食的汪:
8. This dog who just wanted to join in on the summer activities:
8. 想加入夏日活动的汪:
9. This dog who just really, really wanted to say goodbye:
9. 想深情道别的汪:
10. This dog who immediately regretted his snack choice:
10. 这只汪吃了几口就后悔挑错零食了:
11. This dog who is being trolled by a cat:
11. 被喵当滑轮踩的汪:
12. This dog who just really, really wanted to bring his stick inside:
12. 很想把棍子叼进房子的汪:
13. This dog who thought this hanger was a toy:
13. 把衣架当玩具的汪:
14. This dog who chewed through its own bed and got stuck:
14. 咬穿自己的床还把自己卡住的汪:
15. This poor dog who got stuck in a table:
15. 卡在桌子里的汪:
16. And this dog, who is still waiting on a text back:
16. 在苦苦等短信回复的汪: