

分类: 英语口语 





Sustainable 1 development is applied to 2 [just] about everything [from energy to clean water and economic growth], and [as a result] it has become difficult [to question either the basic assumptions 3 behind it or the way the concept is put to use]. This is [especially] true [in agriculture], (where sustainable development is [often] taken  4 measure of progress> [without a proper appreciation of historical and cultural perspectives].)


注:1. sustainable adj. 可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的。例:

It promotes sustainable development of small economies and their effective integration into the global economy.


[选自:BBC: NEWS | World | Europe | Small county's officials gather for Isle of Man course]

Working together to provide fresh, sustainable food for the community is one of the hot trends in some community organizations.


sustainable development 可持续发展

sustainable growth 可持续发展

2. be applied to 应用于;被用于,用于,用来表示;施加于。例:

It can be applied to any animal that has a coat with distinct markings.


[选自:MSN: New animal barcode scanner earns its stripes]

Can we apply these methods be applied to human? And for how long can they prolong human lifetime? Some scientists presume we can easily live to an age of 100 years old.


3. assumption n. 假设,设想  例:

The assumption was the market would move in and take care of the problems.


[选自:CNN: News | Asia | Tensions rise between doctors and patients in China]

【词组】on the assumption that 假设

fundamental assumption 基本假定

【词根】assume  承担,假定,采取;装腔作势

assumed  假定的,假装的

assumptive  假定的,设想的

4. sole n. 鞋底,脚底,基础;

adj. 唯一的,仅有的,单独的;(文中此意)

vt. 上鞋底,触底。例:

Practice is the sole criterion of truth.


The sole controller on duty told federal investigators he had failed to notice the crew’s mistake.


[选自:WSJ: Napping at Air-Traffic Control]

[To start with], it is important [to remember that the nature of agriculture has changed [markedly 1] [throughout history], and will continue to do [so]]. 2 Medieval 3 agriculture [in northern Europe] fed, clothed and sheltered a predominantly 4 rural society [with a much lower population density] [than it is [today].] It had minimal effect on biodiversity 5, and any pollution (it caused) was [typically] localized. [In terms of 6 energy use and the nutrients captured in the product] it was [relatively] inefficient.


注:1. markedly adv. 明显地,显著地,引人注目地。例:

But it is a town where religious influence has increased markedly in recent years.


[选自:BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Crossing Continents | Turkey's silent revolution]

The relations between our two countries have improved markedly in every aspect.


【词根】marked 显著的,有记号的

marking 标志,打分,做记号

2. 注意,这里的宾语从句本可以不予分析,因为这是在状语中作remember的宾语,只不过恰好是一个句子,遂分析之。

3. medieval adj. 中世纪的,原始的,老式的。例:

Like the setting of this tale, the restaurant is located in a medieval monastery.


[选自:BBC: NEWS | Travel | Through the pages of Tuscany ]

4. predominantly adv. 主要地,显著地。例:

In 1965, rioting and looting broke out in the predominantly black Watts section of Los Angeles.


[选自:CNN: Almanac | Sunday, August 11, 1996]

The landscape has remained predominantly rural in appearance.


【同】mainly, basically, largely

5. biodiversity n. 生物多样性。例:

An official said the new wind farms would bring environmental benefits, including biodiversity of the sea.


[选自:BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Giant windfarm plan unveiled]

There should be no national boundaries in biodiversity protection.


【词组】biodiversity protection  生物多样性保护

6. in terms of   


“It does have an effect in terms of emotional and mental health,” he added.


[选自:BBC: Youth group campaign tackles Somerset school homophobia]




In spite of that fact, it turns out that vaccines are one of the best uses of our money in terms of extending the lives of population.


Contrast this [with 1 farming] [since the start of the industrial revolution]. Competition (from overseas) led farmers [to specialize and increase yields]. [Throughout this period] food became cheaper, safe and more reliable. [However], these changes have [also] led to habitat loss and to diminishing 2 biodiversity.


注:1. contrast with 与...形成对比;和...相对照。例:

It’s a big contract with Japan, where U.S. exports are still dropping, but China is different.


This is a sharp contrast with how people with depression feel and exacerbates the condition.


[选自:BBC: Reverse Sad: Why springtime can be bad for depression sufferers]

2.diminishing v. 减少,递减,衰减(diminish的现在分词);

adj. 逐渐缩小的,衰减的。文中此意,例:

Those differences, however, are diminishing as biotechnology tools and data become more accessible to the masses.


[选自:FORBES: Citizen Science Takes Off: Could Community Labs Hatch the Next Generation of Bio Innovators?]

【词组】diminishing benefit 效益递减

diminishing increment 增量递减

[What’s more], demand for animal products in developing countries is growing [so] [fast] [that meeting it will require an extra 300 million tons of grain 1 [a year] [by 2050].] Yet the growth (of cities and industry) is reducing the amount of water (available for agriculture) [in many regions].


注:1. grain n. 粮食;颗粒(文中此意);[作物]谷物;纹理;vi. 成谷粒;vt. 使成谷粒。例:

An effort was made to overhaul farm programs in 1996, when grain prices were high.


[选自:WSJ: Farm Lobby Beats Back Assault On Subsidies][overhaul v. 赶上并超过]

grain size 颗粒大小

【派】grainy 颗粒状的;多粒的

graininess 粒状

graining 粒化;使...成颗粒

All this means that agriculture [in the 21st century] will have to be [very] different [from how it was in the 20 th]. This will require radical 1 thinking. [For example], we need to move [away from the idea] {that traditional practices are [inevitably 2] [more] sustainable [than new ones].} We [also] need to abandon the notion {that agriculture can be “zero impact 3”.} The key will be to abandon the rather simple and static measures of sustainability, (which centre on the need [to maintain production without increasing damage].)


注:1. radical adj. 激进的,根本的,彻底的(文中此意);n. 基础;激进分子,[物化]原子团;[数]根数。例:

In the Turkish north of the island, there is a different, more radical solution.


[选自:CNN: NEWS | World | Europe | Cyprus facing up to life after 'peak water']

He pushes his ideas to their most radical conclusions.


【派】radically 根本上,彻底地

radicalism 激进主义

radicalize 激进化

2. inevitably adv. 不可避免地,必然地。例:

“Inevitably as more routes are covered the number of arrests will grow,” Mr Donlon added.


[选自:BBC: NEWS | Politics | UK passes 10,000 border arrests due to screening system]

His wrong doing will inevitably trips itself up.


【同】necessarily ,ineluctably  必然地

3.impact vt. 影响,撞击;冲突;压紧;vi. 冲击,产生影响;n. 影响;效果,碰撞,冲击力。(文中此意)例:

The impact of a repeal of the Affordable Care Act would not be solely financial.


[选自:CNN: Romney: Repealing health plan will save billions]

The plane is destroyed, a complete wreck: the pilot must have died on impact.


【词组】impact of 影响

impact on 影响;对...冲击

environment impact  环境冲击

[Instead] we need a more dynamic interpretation 1, one (that looks at the pros 2 and cons (of all the various way) (land is used.)) There are [many] (different) ways [to measure agricultural performance] [besides food yield]: {energy use, environmental costs, water purity, carbon foot print and biodiversity}. It is clear, ^for example^, that the carbon (of transporting tomatoes) [from Spain to the UK] is less [than that of producing them in the UK] [with additional heating and lighting]. But we do not know whether lower carbon footprints will [always] be better [for biodiversity].


注:1. interpretation n. 解释,翻译,演出。例:

But what most travelers don't realize is that this is just one interpretation of Turkish food.


[选自:CNN: News | Travel |Istanbul's best Turkish restaurants]

【词组】simultaneous interpretation 同声传译

oral interpretation 口译

2. pro n.赞成者,赞成的意见。例:

Let’s discuss the pros and cons of each approach.


What is crucial is 1 recognizing that sustainable agriculture is not just about sustainable food production.


注:1. What is crucial is…经典句型,关键在于。例:

“What is crucial is the character and commitment of the candidate,” he says.


[选自:CNN: TESTING TIMES: With an election near, Singapore's young voters question their goals]

