

分类: 英语语法  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 

请给保安好吃的 Please Feed Me
True story 真实故事
A friend of mine recently visited a zoo in Hangzhou and told me that he saw a sign which read "Please don't feed the animals.If you have suitable food, please give it to the guard". The grammar isn't wrong in this sentence, it'sjust too vague.  It should say "If you have suitable food, please give it to the guard and let him/her feed the animal.”
我的一位朋友近日去杭州的一家动物园玩,回来后告诉我他看见—块牌子上写着:“Please don't feed the animals.  If you have suitable food,please give it to the guard(不要喂动物,好吃的请给看守人吃)。”这个句子的语法没有错误,但是句意太模糊了。应该这样说:“If you have suitable food,please give it to the guard and let him/her feed the animal(请将食物交给看守人喂食).”
 giraffe n.长颈鹿
 hippo n.河马
 flamingo n.火烈鸟
 panda n.熊猫
 zebra n.斑马
 alligator n.产于美洲的鳄鱼
 deer n.鹿
 elephant n.象
 thino n.犀牛
 wild animal 野兽
 domesticated animal 驯养动物

