

分类: 英语语法 
祈使句后也可以加简略问句,表示语气。  否定祈使句+will you?   肯定祈使句+won’t you?   肯定祈使句+will you?(表示请求)   Let’s … + shall we?   Let us … + will you?   Let +第三人称……+ will you?注:let us与let’s的区别:(1)let us do sth. 让(或允许)我们做某事;即提出请求,请对方允许,而对方不做,只有我们做。附加疑问句用will you?      如:Let us have a rest, will you? 让我们休息一下,好吗?(2)let’s do sth. 咱们去做某事吧;即提出建议,劝诱对方一同做某事,附加疑问句用shall we?      如:Let’s go for a picnic, shall we? 咱们去野餐吧,好吗?总结祈使句的用法
祈使句所能表达的含义:命令:Make your bed at once! 马上把床铺好!禁止:Don’t touch! 不要碰!请求,恳求:Shut the door, please. 请关门。 Help! 救命!忠告,劝告:Lock the door before you go to bed. 睡觉前把门锁上。建议,指示:Let’s have a party! 咱们举行个聚会吧。                 Take the first street on the left.走右边第一条街。邀请:Make yourself at home! 请自便(别客气)        Come in and sit down. 进来坐。         Help yourself to some fruit. 吃点水果。提供:Have some orange juice. 喝点橙汁吧。祝愿:Have a good time! 祝你(过得)愉快!警告,威胁:Look out! 当心!                 Do that again and you will be in trouble! 你在那样做会倒霉的!允诺:Finish your homework and I’ll buy you some food.做完作业就给你买吃的。诅咒:Go to hell! 滚!自忖:Let me see now. 让我考虑考虑。

