

分类: 英语语法 
(一)由that引导·I have no doubtthat he will overcome all this difficulties.他会克服一切困难,对此我并不感到怀疑。【特别提示】:同位语从句引导词that不可省略。(二)由whether引导·The question whether we need more time to do the work has not been decided.我们是否需要更多时间来做这项工作,这个问题还未决定。(三)由其他词引导的同位语从句·I have not made up my mind what elective subjects I am to take next term.我还没有决定好下学期上哪些选修课。·When you are about halfway through the story, try to make a guess how the plot will develop.当你把故事读到一半时,猜测一下情节将如何发展。·I have no idea when I will be back from Shanghai.我不知道我什么时候从上海回来。(四)同位语从句与被修饰名词的分割有时,为了保持句式的平衡,将同谓语从句与被修饰的名词分割,其间出现其他成分。·Concernswere raised that witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to ensure guilty verdicts.人们日益担心,证人可能会因此而受到鼓励,在法庭上夸大事实以保证陪审团对被告做出有罪的判决。(这里先行词concerns与that同位语从句被谓语were raised隔开。)

