

分类: 英语口语 


"The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein


Ever since 12 year-old Mimi Ausland gave me the book "The Art of Racing in the Rain", I haven't been able to put it down. It's about the life of a race car driver told from the perspective of his dog, Enzo! Trust me, you're gonna love this story 一 even those who are skeptical about talking canines. Your family will love it. Your friends will love it. And call me a gambler, but I'd put money on the fact that even your cats will want you to read it to them again and again.


"The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom" by Don Miguel Ruiz


Four practices are all you need for a better life, insists Ruiz, and millions of readers have agreed with him. Seven years of being on the New York Times bestseller book list is quite an achievement, for a book describing just a few lifelong changes that need to be made: verbal integrity, questions without assumptions, a refusal to personalize, and making the best happen. As a surgeon with spiritual roots in the deep heart of Mexico, Ruiz weaves both practices in and out of this work. It has been promoted by Spiritually Fit Yoga and by Oprah, at the top of her favorites self-help books list.

路易兹坚定地认为四项行为便能让你的生活更美好,而数以百万的读者朋友们都已经认同了他的观点。这本书7年来一直位列《纽约时报》畅销榜的榜单上,确实有不小的成绩。它仅仅描述了一些人们需要做出的终生改变:说话公正客观、不作假设去提问、拒绝个人化、让事情以最好的方式呈现。路易兹作为一名精神信仰深扎于墨西哥的外科医生,无论是工作中,还是工作之余,都在执行这四项。这本书已经被Spiritually Fit Yoga网站推荐。而且奥普拉将其列在她最爱的拯救自我的书单首位。

"The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt


While critics didn't think much of Tartt's 860-page novel, she won a Pulitzer Prize and the admiration of Stephen King. The story is seen through the eyes of atraumatized teenage boy in charge of a priceless painting; Theo Decker escapes from an exploded gallery, and takes the advice of a dying man who gives him a contact for restoration and a signet ring. In the aftermath, readers are assured of the transcendence of art set against the fragility and brokenness of humans trying to piece their lives back together.



"Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao" by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer


As a motivational speaker, Dyer adds on 'spiritual guru' to his list of accomplishments with his explanation of 81 verses by Lao-Tzu the Chinese philosopher. The balance of morality and goodness on The Way are meant to be digested slowly, day by day; some of the exercises, such as giving away unnecessary gadgets or avoiding gossip and slander, can be especially helpful in our modern lives. Readers may not want to read this book in the spirit of strict accuracy to historical or Buddhist texts, because the value lies in the general application of overall principles.


"Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer


It's a beautiful book that's both hilarious and incredibly moving. I hope you'll read it.


This Holocaust-era novel has ended up on New York Times book lists frequently, perhaps because of the pathos of the nine-year-old protagonist. Having lost his father in the World Trade Center bombing, Oskar becomes a street urchin playing a tambourine. Oprah made it an addition to her reading list, saying that the page breaks of blankness forces the senses awake. The book is truly explosive - Oskar's life seems to center around violent actions such as bombings.


