
史上最冷的冬天就要来了 准备好被冻成狗了吗

分类: 英语口语 

史上最冷的冬天就要来了 准备好被冻成狗了吗

The long awaited La Niña, which was first predicted by the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) back in April, has finally arrived in the Pacific Ocean, NOAA announced Thursday -- and it's expected to stick around through the winter.


La Niña conditions, which are characterized by below-normal sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific, were observed during October and have persisted into November -- prompting the CPC to raise the ENSO Alert System from a La Niña Watch to a La Niña Advisory.

拉尼娜现象的典型特征是热带太平洋海平面温度会低于常值,据观测,今年整个10月份都有这种现象,后来拖拖拉拉进入11月也没有消失——因此,CPC将将厄尔尼诺南方涛动警报系统(ENSO Alert System)里的拉尼娜警戒级别从“监视”提升到了“警报”级。

La Niña, much like its warmer counterpart, El Niño, have far reaching global impacts extending beyond the Pacific Ocean.


史上最冷的冬天就要来了 准备好被冻成狗了吗

For the United States, NOAA forecasters say the current La Niña will "likely contribute to drier and warmer weather in the southern US and wetter, cooler conditions in the Pacific Northwest and across to the northern tier of the nation this winter." La Niña "is likely to contribute to persisting or developing drought across much of the southern U.S. this winter," said Mike Halpert, deputy director of the Climate Prediction Center.


Fortunately, the current La Niña is weak and is expected to stay that way through the winter. This should keep the impact from being as severe as what was seen globally with 2015's record-setting El Niño, which saw deadly drought in Asia and helped make it the hottest year on record.


La Niña generally tends to lower global temperatures as it cools the surface of the tropical Pacific Ocean. It will be interesting to see if this La Niña can slow down the rapidly rising global temperatures and prevent 2016 from outpacing 2015 and becoming the third consecutive hottest year for the planet.


