
风靡全球的旋转舞者转向测试 其实是胡扯?

分类: 英语口语 

风靡全球的旋转舞者转向测试 其实是胡扯?

At first glance, it's a simple video of a dancer spinning. However, in fact it is an optical illusion that some say could actually reveal how smart you are.


It plays with the brain's visual perception - some see her spinning clockwise, counterclockwise or even switching between the two.


For years, the rotating figure was used to test intelligence and determine which side of the brain was more dominate. Now, experts say it isn't about brain hemispheres, but most will see the dancer rotate clockwise because we tend to have a viewpoint from above and an attentional bias towards the right side of the body.


There is are much more complex reasons behind why we see her spinning in different directions.


And the reason for the uncertainty is because these kinds of optical illusions do not reveal any clues about the image's depth to help us make sense of it. When images aren't clear, your brain takes the initiative to fill in the gaps where information is missing.


However, a video adds small white contour lines in certain areas of the dancer's body, which allows our brain to 'solve the illusion faster'.


This is because your brain is able to gather more information from what is being presented.


And a study from 2015 says another reason for our clockwise bias, which is an attentional bias - humans tend to lean towards the right side of the body and that the area of our brain that deals with fear, rage and panic – the subcortical system.


