来自伦敦的“剪纸艺术家”Rich McCor,他曾因将巴黎的凯旋门变成乐高的积木人,将伦敦的千禧年穹顶变为一块诱人的蛋糕而为人们所熟知。令人高兴的是,这位艺术家还未停止旅行的步伐,他仍有源源不断的灵感,近日他又重回我们的视野,将更加著名的地标建筑和他在剪纸上的灵感融为了一体!
Everything started when Rich decided to become a tourist in his own city. "My first idea was using a cut-out to transform Big Ben into a wristwatch," the artist wrote on Bored Panda. "Whilst I was there, a girl and her father took an interest in what I was doing and I showed them the photo on my camera screen. They were full of enthusiasm for the idea, and it spurred me on to do more."
Rich的灵感始于他决定周游伦敦的那一刻。他在Bored Panda网上写道,“我的首个灵感就是利用剪纸将大本钟变为手表。在大本钟前,一个女孩和她的父亲对我的行为感到十分好奇,于是我让他们看了看我的相机屏幕,父女俩对于这个创意充满了热情,这激励了我去继续推出更多的作品。”
McCor said that ideas can both come to him instantly or dance around in his head, playing with his subconscious for some time. Either way, it takes him about 15 minutes to get the image exactly like he wants it when he's in the location. The world is a big place, so let's hope McCor keeps traveling and shooting images which already earned him more than 253K followers on Instagram!
Angelika Okotokro:Sweeping it under the rug :-)
Edi IP: Smart
And bacon strips: This person has 5 arms,end of story.
Kareem Tabbaa: Riyadh, KSA
Ntina Bargiota: Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Hilarious!!!!! I think i hear Celine Dion singing already!!!!!!!
Krybaby Kitty Kat: Who's taking the picture?
Angelika Okotokro: "Don't you dare to do this again!"
John L: Cats can destroy almost anything. Especially black cats.
Barbara Griswold: Isn't David already art?
Bunnies are better!!: What happens when it runs out??