
霉霉MV导演反咬碧昂斯抄袭《Bad Blood》

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霉霉MV导演反咬碧昂斯抄袭《Bad Blood》

Try not to panic, but Taylor Swift's music video director Joseph Kahn (who worked with her on "Look What You Made Me Do") just accused Beyoncé of copying "Bad Blood" in her groundbreaking Lemonade visual album.

不要惊慌,但是泰勒·斯威夫特《Look What You Made Me Do》的MV导演乔瑟夫(Joseph Kahn)最近控诉碧昂斯在“开创性的”专辑《Lemonade》抄袭霉霉的《Bad Blood》。

While addressing accusations that the LWYMMD video is a little too similar to Bey's "Formation," Kahn said: "It's not 'Formation' at all. They try to say she's wearing a black crop top and Beyoncé wore a black crop top. ”


“But they don't realize in 2015 in 'Bad Blood,' Taylor Swift was wearing a black crop top. I really do think, by the way, that Beyoncé copied 'Bad Blood.'

但是他们并没有意识到霉霉在2015年《Bad Blood》早就穿过着黑色露脐上衣。顺便说一下,我确实认为碧昂斯抄袭了霉霉《Bad Blood》。”

Obviously, the Beyhive was quick to buzz.


But it should be noted that Kahn could have been saying those comments as a joke.



