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AMC's The Walking Dead just delivered the biggest shocker in its 100-episode-plus history when, during Sunday's season eight midseason finale, the zombie drama set the stage for the unimaginable death of one of its most untouchable characters.

AMC( American Movie Classics)出品的《行尸走肉》在拍摄了100多集以来,即将有一个的大转折。周日播放的第八季半季终,有一个角色的死亡,让人颇感意外。

Revealing that he had been bitten on the ribs a few episodes prior, Carl Grimes — Rick's teenage son, who has been played by Chandler Riggs since the show's pilot — is on death's door. "Yes, Carl is going to die," Riggs tells The Hollywood Reporter in an exclusive interview. "There's no way he can get back from that. His story is definitely coming to an end."

影片中Rick十几岁的儿子Carl Grimes一直由Chandler Riggs扮演,在之前的几集还在啃着肋骨,转眼就到了死亡之门。在Hollywood Reporter的独家参访中,Riggs说,“没错,Carl要死了。”这是他的宿命无法逃离,他的故事也会就此终结。

To put the events of the episode in context, Riggs — who was cast at age 11 and is now 18 and taking a gap year before starting college — and Andrew Lincoln (Rick) are the only original series regulars who have been with The Walking Dead since the pilot.

把这个事情带入上下文来看,Riggs在《行尸走肉》开拍的时候是11岁,现在18岁了,度过间隔年后,即将开始大学学习。再来说说Andrew Lincoln(Rick的扮演者)是自开拍以来,唯一的幸存者。

Carl was widely seen as the future of the postapocalyptic world: Rick, a former sheriff, has been grooming him to take over as the leader of the survivors. The version of Carl in creator Robert Kirkman's comic series continues to be a force to be reckoned with and the future of the new world, as the source material is roughly 75 issues beyond where the AMC adaptation sits. Outside of killing off leading man Lincoln, this would be the biggest departure from the source material ever.

Carl一向被看成是救世军的未来希望,Rick这个前任警长,慢慢的培养儿子以便接他的班,成为幸存者的领导。在创作者Robert Kirkman的剧集中Carl会成为不可小觑的一股力量和救世军的希望。而AMC的前75集是全部是按照原作者的思路来走的。除了把主演林肯搞成领盒饭,把他儿子拍死是目前和原著最大的背离。

But before viewers scream for Carl, it's worth noting that Riggs still has one episode left — episode 809, the 2018 midseason premiere (airing Feb. 25), when Rick, Michonne (DanaiGurira) and the rest of the core Alexandrians will watch as the young man dies before them in what can only be described as their biggest loss to date.



