

分类: 英语口语 

Kate Middleton is known for her luscious long hair — and now it seems she's been secretly giving it away to charity.


When Kate got her hair cut at Kensington Palace last summer, she reportedly suggested to her hair stylist, Joey Wheeler (from London's Richard Ward salon), that they make good use of the hair he chopped off. Between them, they decided to send the hair to a charity that makes wigs for children going through cancer treatments.

去年夏天凯特在肯辛顿宫理发,据报道她曾和来自伦敦Richard Ward沙龙店的发型师Joey Wheeler ,一起商量剪下来的头发是不是可以物尽其用。两人讨论后,把头发捐给慈善部门做成假发,给接受癌症治疗的孩子们用。

According to the Sunday Express, seven inches of royal hair was anonymously sent to a charity called the Little Princess Trust. The Herefordshire-based organization makes wigs from real hair and donates them to children who have lost their own hair through chemotherapy or radiation treatments.

根据Sunday Express的报道,王妃7英寸(约合18厘米)长的头发被匿名捐赠给一家名为小公主信托(Little Princess Trust)的慈善机构。该机构总部在赫里福德郡,他们用真人的头发制作假发,然后捐赠给那些因化疗或者放射性治疗而掉头发的孩子们使用。


“It's lovely to think that somebody, somewhere — probably more than one person — has received a wig containing Princess Kate's hair,” Helen Creese, a spokesperson for the charity, tells PEOPLE, adding: “It's a really lovely thought and it's fantastic for raising awareness, plus it's gorgeous hair — we all lust after that hair!”

“某人在某地,可能还不止一个人,会收到含有凯特假发,一想到就觉得很温暖,”该慈善机构的发言人Helen Creese在接受《人物》杂志采访时说道,接着她说,“这个捐赠很有爱,而且也能有效地引起公众的关注,加之王妃的发质真的很好,我们都很羡慕。”

Founded in 2006 by parents Wendy and Simon Tarplee in memory of their daughter Hannah, who died from cancer in 2005, the charity has since funded over 5,500 wigs for sick children — both boys and girls — and it can take anything from seven to 10 donations to make just one wig.


This isn't the charity's first brush with fame! Harry Styles supported the charity in 2016 by cutting off his ponytail and donating his hair. A picture he posted on social media of him holding his lobbed-off hair attracted over two million likes.


As for tracking down which mini princess (or prince!) may have received a wig containing real princess hair, it’s a hopeless task, says Creese, who adds that many donations are anonymous.


“We like to thank everyone and send out little certificates to all our donors, but lots of people don't fill in the paperwork and they don't feel the need to be acknowledged in that way, but we are always very grateful,” he says.



