

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 17:11:10 


1) We have an interest for your athletic goods.

2) To cover our shipment, we would request you to establish a commercial letter of credit in our favour for the contracted amount through an American Bank.

3) We enclose a list showing our present availabilities.

4) The arrivals do not conform to the sample. You must have shipped the wrong parcel.

5) It is one of the most useful of the household conveniences.

6) We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street.

7) Oil prices came tumbling down, brightening the outlook for inflation and helping to touch off a rally on Wall Street.

以上七个句子中"interest","shipment","availabilities","arrivals","conveniences","one-way street",和"Wall Street",如查词典,它们的基本含义可分别是“兴趣”、“装运(的货)”、“可得到的东西”、“到达(的东西)”、“便利(设施)”、“单行道”和“华尔街”。如果将这些词义直接放入译文,显然不能充分表达原文的含义,故需进一步引申。

