331. 我别无选择。 I have no choice.
332. 眼不见为净。 Ignorance is bliss. (谚语,意即“不知道真相有时反而比较好”。)
333. 我豁出去了! I’ve got nothing to lose.
E.g. A: This is very dangerous, you know.
B: But I’ve got nothing to lose.
334. 我跟他不熟。 I don’t know him well.
注:相反的说法“I know him very well.”,年轻人说这句话时,有时暗示 彼此已经有性关系了,当然还得看当时得情况及说法的口气而定。
335. 到时候见啦! See you later!
336. 这里给你坐。 Take a seat.
337. 谁会这么蠢? Who would be so dumb?
注:如果当别人的面说他so dumb,那是非常不友善、轻视的说法。
338. 你有意见吗? Do you have an opinion?
339. 你还不够格。 You don’t have the right.
E.g. A: Who do you think you are? You don’t have the right to say
those things.
注:right “权利”,是名词,这句话较不客气,带有批评的语气。
You are not qualified.
E.g. A: Can I talk to the manager about my ideas for this project?
B: You are not qualified!
注:这个回答比前面的“You don’t have the right.”更礼貌、婉转。
340. 谁管那么多? Who cares?
注:也就是说没什么人会关心这事。而有些情况下的意思是“It doesn’t matter!”比如说你的朋友很容易杞人忧天,你会说“who cares?”来安抚对方说事情 没那么严重,不用太在意。
341. 我才不信邪。 I don’t buy it. (是I don’t believe it.的俚语,表示不相信对方的说法)
342. 你行不行啊? Can you do it?
343. 便宜没好货。 You get what you pay for.
E.g. A: This watch broke already… I just bought it last month.
B: You get what you pay for.
344. 完美主义者。 Perfectionist.
345. 天不从人愿。 You can’t always get what you want.
346. 我跟你拼了! Bring it on!
347. 听你在放屁! That’s bullshit! (本句属粗话,表示非常地不屑。)
348. 现在要怎样? What now?
349. 都是你害的! It’s all your fault! (常见于小孩子之间吵架时的气话。)