

分类: 英语语法  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 




这些句子常用一些词,如but for, without 等引出一个介词结构来表示条件,条件应该是虚拟的,或与事实相反的假设。

例如:but for 若非,要不是

You may consider it useless, but for our customers it's an all-important sign of good service. 您也许会认为这样毫无用处,可是对于我们的客户而言,它却是优质服务的重要体现。

The first series was really bad. But for some reason the public took to it.  第一部系列剧糟透了,可是不知为何,观众开始喜欢上了它。

Spurs could have had several goals but for some brilliant saves from John Hallworth.  要不是约翰·霍尔沃思几次精彩的扑救,热刺队原本可以射进好几个球。


例如:without 如果没有...就不...

You can't have one without the other, as the song says.  就像歌里唱的那样,两者密不可分,不能只取其一。

In a strangled voice he said, "This place is going to be unthinkable without you."  他哽咽地说道:“没有你这个地方会变得不可想象。”

I tell you, Carrie, before God, I can't live without you.  我告诉你, 嘉莉, 苍天作证, 没有你我就活不下去.


例如:otherwise 否则

We didn't know his telephone number, otherwise we would have telephoned him. 我们不知道他的电话号码,否则我们就会给他打电话。

This is the one blemish on an otherwise resounding success.  如果没有这个小小的失误,这就是一次彻底的胜利。

If he had done otherwise, I should have thought him a rascal.  如果他不这样做, 我就认为他是个恶棍.



