
up in the air 悬而未决

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:12:36 

短语 up in the air 的意思是由于很多不定因素从而无法对某事的最终结果下论断,就像汉语里常说的“悬而未决”。


The doctor told me I can't travel because I need to get some vaccinations done first. I'm not sure I’ll be able to go on Wednesday - it's all up in the air!

It's all up in the air right now: no one can agree on whether to sell the company or not.


另一个和单词 air 有关的短语是 clear the air,它的意思是通过对话消除误会、隔阂。


My dad was really annoyed at me for forgetting his birthday. Last night we discussed it and cleared the air.

I didn't know how my wife felt about the situation, so last night we talked for two hours and cleared the air.

