

分类: 英语学习方法 

“无奈” 表示 “不得不接受一个人或一件事情,没有其它办法”。在不同的情景中,我们可以用不同的英语说法来表达这个含义。 

先介绍一个词:“resigned, R E S I G N E D”。形容词 “resigned” 的意思是 “无可奈何的”。它的副词形式是 “resignedly”。听两个分别使用了 “resigned” 和 “resignedly” 的例句。


Lucy agreed with a resigned look when her mum asked her to clean her room.


'How should I know?' He shrugged resignedly.

(“我怎么会知道?” 他无奈地耸耸肩。) 

接着,我们介绍四个用来表示 “无奈只能接受或做某事” 的说法,分别是:“be resigned to something(只好接受某事)”、“have no choice but to do something(别无选择,只能做某事)”、 “have to learn to live with something(学会接受、适应某事)”、“get used to the idea of something(无奈只能适应某事)”。请听例句。 


I'm resigned to staying in this flat for another month as I have nowhere else to go.


Joel has no choice but to take on a part-time job while he's studying.


Everyone makes mistakes. We just have to learn to live with them.


We need to get used to the idea of living on a planet under threat from climate change.




There's nothing I can do about this.


There's not much I can do about that.


I'm in a very difficult position.


大家跟我再来读一遍:“There's nothing I can do about this.”;“There's not much I can do about that.”;“I'm in a very difficult position.” 



It is what it is.


What's done is done.


It can't be helped.


"It is what it is.";"What's done is done.";"It can't be helped." 大家记住了吗? 

好了,以上就是我们对英语中可以表示 “无奈” 的说法的介绍与讲解。形容词 “resigned” 的意思是 “无奈的”,副词形式是 “resignedly(无奈地)”。我们还介绍了表示 “无奈之下不得不做某事”、“我很为难” 以及 “事情已成定局,没法改变” 的不同说法。 

