
英国人最爱的俚语 2

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:10:20 

6. Cock Up 把….弄得一团糟

A cock up is a mistake, a failure of large or epic proportions.

Cock Up意为大范围的错误或者失败。

For example, I cocked up the orders for table number four.


7. Blinding 盲目的

Blinding – a slang term that is far from something that physically causes someone to lose their sight.


For example, That tackle from the Spanish player was blinding.


8. Lost the Plot 生气

Lost the plot is one that can actually be discerned by examining the words themselves. To lose the plot can mean either to become angry and/or exasperated to a fault, or in a derogatory – if slightly outdated sense – to mean someone who has become irrational and/or acting ridiculously.

Lost the Plot的含义可以通过观察单词本身发现。Lost the Plot意为对某个错误非常生气或者表示一种贬义–意为某人不理性或者举止荒谬。

For example, When my girlfriend saw the mess Id made, she lost the plot.


9. Cheers 谢谢

Cheers doesnt quite have the same meaning that it does in other counties – of course, it still means celebrations when toasting a drink with some friends, but in British slang, it also means thanks or thank you.

此处cheers的含义与这个词在其他国家的含义有所不同 – 当然在与朋友喝酒时这个词仍然与celebration同义,但是在英式俚语中它也意为thanks或者thank you。

For example, Cheers for getting me that drink, Steve.


10. Ace 非常棒

Ace – a British slang term that means something that is brilliant or excellent.


For example, Jenny is ace at the lab experiments.


