in the bag 稳了
分类: 英语学习方法
in the bag 这个短语大家一定不陌生,它本身有两个意思:
1. 字面意思,就是“在袋子里”、“在包里”的意思。比如我们可以说:I put some clothes and books in the bag. 我把一些衣服和书本放包里了。
2. 另外一个意思,表示“十拿九稳、稳操胜券”。其实就是从字面意思引申过来的,“在袋子里”就是“落袋为安”,引申为“稳了”的意思。
If something is in the bag, you are certain to get it or to achieve it. It is usually used to describe the result of a competition or election.
如果说某件事情 in the bag, 就是说确定可以获得或者达到目标,通常用于描述比赛或者选举的结果。
1. Our victory is in the bag!
*在这个例句中, in the bag 表示 “一定会赢得比赛”。也可以说:Our victory is guaranteed.
2. He is so popular that his election is in the bag.