
跟baby相关的习语和表达 中

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2024-05-25 20:52:08 

6.cry baby

大家有没有碰到过一种老是哭哭啼啼、抱怨日常生活中一些琐事的人?美国人把这种人叫作cry baby。

例句: Come on, Jack, you're twenty years old - don't be such a cry baby about everything. We all have our problems, but you ought to do something about them instead of just complaining. 行啦,杰克,你已经二十岁了,别有一点儿事就哭。我们大家都会碰到一些问题的。但是,你得想办法来解决问题,而不能老是抱怨。

7.mommy's boy

字面意思是"妈妈的乖宝宝",指那些已经成年但仍然依赖妈妈的男人。千万别变成mommy's boy哦,因为女生是不愿意嫁这样的人的。

例句: John needs to grow up. He's such a mummy's boy! His mom still makes him lunch and he's 30 years old. 约翰需要成熟点了。他太依赖妈妈了。都三十岁了还让妈妈给他做午饭。

8.bottle baby


例句: The bottle babies sat there, waiting to be thrown out at closing time. 酒鬼们坐在那,等着关门时被赶走。

9.babe in the woods

Babe就是婴儿,woods是树林。A babe in the woods就是指一个在某一领域没有经验,什么也不懂的人。你可以说一个人在经商或人际关系方面没有经验是a babe in the woods。Babe in the woods这个习惯用语来自1595年一首很流行的诗歌《The Children in the Wood》(树林里的孩子们),诗里写的是两个孤儿被遗弃在森林里的故事。Babe in the woods后来一般是指孤立无助或是没有经验的人。

例句: Henry is like a babe in the woods at his company: everyone takes advantage of him. 亨利在公司就像一个不谙世故的林中孩子,每个人都利用他。

10.child's play


例句: For me, playing the guitar is child's play. It's so easy. 对我来说,弹吉他小菜一碟,非常简单。

