
牛津实用英语语法 348 基数词(形容词及代词)

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:08:01 

1 one                     21 twenty-one

2 two                     22 twenty-two

3 three                   23 twenty-three

4 four                    24 twenty-four

5 five                     25 twenty-five

6 six                      26 twenty-six

7 seven                  27 twenty-seven

8 eight                   28 twenty-eight

9 nine                     29 twenty-nine

10 ten                    30 thirty

11 eleven                31 thirty-one

12 twelve               40 forty

13 thirteen              50 fifty

14 fourteen             60 sixty

15 fifteen                70 seventy

16 sixteen               80 eighty

17 seventeen           90 ninety

18 eighteen             100 a hundred

19 nineteen             1,000 a thousand

20 twenty              1,000,000 a million

400 four hundred

140 a/one hundred and forty

1,006 a/one thousand and six

5,000 five thousand

260,127 two hundred and sixty thousand,one hundred and twenty-sev- en

