
Jo lin 即将在这篇日记里教会你
单词: 25 个短语: 8 个
句型: 2 个 时态: 2 个
Diary 10
I saw an apple on my colleague's desk today,and that reminded me of the time when I had to lose weight by just eating apple s.That was so hard.I wasn't born to be thin.I'm an artist.I have to spend more time than any others to lose weight.Being thin is not enough.I have to make sure that I am photogenic.I fe lt very sad and frustrated du ring that time.There was so much pressure,la ck of s lee p,and mal nutrition!I even missed my pe rio d.Even if I may faint and have to be ta ken to the hospital,I still have to make every effort to keep in shape.
We should use appropriate means to lose weight.If not,we will b eco me unhealthy.
It was re ally a nightmare.I don't think that I will do that again.
今天看到同事的桌子上,放着一个青苹果,那让我回想起过去那段只吃青苹果减肥的日子,惨,真的好惨哦 ! 谁叫我不是那种天生就很瘦的女生呢 ? 谁叫我是艺人呢 ? 我必须要比别人多花两分力气去减肥,光是瘦还不够,还要瘦到很上镜头才行 ! 那阵子我的心情好差哦,压力好大、睡眠不足、营养不良、 MC 没来,就算昏倒了,被紧急送医了,却还是坚持为了体重为难自己。
减肥还是要用对方法才行,不然就会瘦得很不健康 !
噩梦,真是场噩梦,我想我再也不敢这么做了 !
Vocabulary & phrase
colleague(n) :同事 remind(v): 提醒、使想起
thin(adj): 瘦的 artist(n): 艺人
spend(v): 花 ( 时间 ) photogenic(adj) :上相的、上镜头的
frustrated(adj): 挫折的 pressure(n): 压力
la ck (n): 缺乏 malnutrition(n): 营养不足
pe rio d(n): 月经 faint(v): 晕倒
effort(n): 努力、力气 appropriate(adj) :适当的
means(n): 方法 nightmare(n): 噩梦
fat(n): 脂肪 height(n): 身高
kilogram(n): 公斤 gain weight(v): 增胖
high calorie(n): 高热量 low calorie(n): 低热量
vegetarian food(n): 素食 weight scale(n): 体重计
weight-loss recipe(n): 减肥食谱
remind+ 某人 +of+ 某事:让某人想起某件事情
lose weight: 减肥
make sure+that+ 从句:确定
la ck of s lee p: 睡眠不足
I missed my pe rio d.: 我月经没来
be ta ken to: 被带到……
make effort to + V: 努力做……
keep in shape : 保持好的身材
Princess J 语法讲座开讲喽!
套句时尚的话来说,今天要教的都是“基本款”——非常基本却非常实用的东西,你要好好学哦 !
很棒的句型,又简单又好用,你可以马上试着造出自己的句子吗 ?
1. A 让某人想起 B : A + remind + 某人 + of + B
EX : That reminded me of the time when I had to lose weight
A remind 某人 ofB
by just eating apple s.( 那让我想起过去那段只吃青苹果来减肥的日子 )
EX : It reminded me of my ex-boyfriend. ( 那让我想起我的前任男友。 )
A remind 某人 ofB
2.A 认为 B 不会……: A + don't think + that + B + will + 动词 (V)
EX : I don't think that I will do that again.( 我想我再也不会这么做了。 )
A don't think that B will V
EX : I don't think that he will win.( 我认为他不会赢。 )
A don't think that B will V
哈哈 ! 你一定会的一般时,却是时态的基础心法哦 !
1. 一般一般现在时:主语 (S) + 动词现在时 (V)( 复习 Diary1 、 4)
EX : I am an artist.( 我是个艺人 )
EX: I have to spend more time than any others to lose weight .
( 我必须比别人多花两分力气去减肥。 )
EX :Being thin is not enough.( 光是瘦还不够。 )
2. 一般过去时:主语 (S)+ 动词过去时 (Ved)( 复习 Diary1 、 4 、 8 、 9)
EX: That was so hard.( 那很辛苦。 )
S Ved
EX :I missed my pe rio d.( 我的月经没来。 )
黄金 J 句
很抒情的三个 J 句,拿来写“回忆”的作文,超适合的 !
1. 那让我想起……: That reminded me of …
EX:That reminded me of the time when I had to lose weight by just eating apple s.
( 那让我想起过去那段只吃青苹果减肥的日子。 )
EX:That reminded me of my childhood.
( 那让我想起我的童年。 )
2. 我必须确定…… :I have to make sure …
EX:I have to make sure that I am photogenic.
( 我必须确定我很上镜头。 )
EX:I have to make sure that I can meet the dead lin e.
( 我必须确定我赶得上截止日期。 )
3. 我想我再也不会……: I don't think that I will …
EX:I don't think that I will do that again.
( 我想我再也不会这么做了。 )
EX:I don't think that I will call him again.
( 我想我再也不会打电话给他了。 )
Jo lin 即将在这篇日记里教会你
单词: 24 个短语: 5 个
句型: 3 个时态: 2 个
Diary 11
I have the three-no principles:No seeing,no smel lin g,no eating.
It took me a while to lose weight,and I am trying to keep it shape.I realized that I shouldn't go on a diet without any pro fe ssional ad vic e, look like I am starving to death,or take some weight-loss pil ls and eat mea ls designed for people who w ant to lose weight. I should go to the hospital and ask the dietician for pro fe ssional ad vic e on how to eat without gaining weight. That would not hurt my health and it would a ls o help me re ally lose weight.
I wouldn't have any interest even though all the delicious food was just in front of me.
对于美食,我已经达到了“不看、不闻、不吃”的“三不”境界 !
毕竟,我可是花了一段时间来减肥的,而且我也一直很努力地维持身材 ! 因为我深刻的体认到与其自己在那边节食,搞得自己饿得要命,或是乱吃一些减肥药跟奇怪的代餐,引起一些莫名的副作用,倒不如老老实实的到医院去,请专业的营养师为自己设计一套减肥餐还比较实际,如此一来,既不伤身体,又能达到瘦下来的效果 !
Vocabulary & phrase
principle (n): 原则 smell (v): 闻
realize (v): 了解 should (n): 应该
ad vic e (n): 建议 starve (aux): 很饿
death (n): 死亡 design (n): 设计
hospital (n): 医院 dietician (n): 营养师
hurt (v) 伤害 interest (n): 兴趣
delicious (adj): 可口的
s tom ach (n): 胃 thigh (n): 大腿
shank (n): 小腿 butto ck s (n) :屁股
paunch (n): 小腹 double chin (n): 双下巴
b ice ps (n): 二头肌 chest (n): 三围中的上围 ( 男生 )
bust (n): 三围中的上围 ( 女生 )waist (n): 中围
hips (n): 下围、臀部
a while: 一阵子
keep in shape: 维持身材
go on a diet: 节食
look like: 看起来
weight-loss pill: 减肥药