

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:02:49 

306. put in order 使条理清楚,有秩序(?)
307. put in to effect 实行,实现
308. put off 推迟,延迟
    EG: The meeting has been put off still Friday.
    **put off+ doing sth
309. put on
310. put out
    EG: He put the fire out. 他把火扑灭了。
    EG: They put out false figures to cover up the real situation. 他们公布虚假的数字来掩盖实际情况。
    EG: Last year the factory put out over six million records.去年这个厂出了
311. put to use 利用,使用
    EG: What a shame that no one has put that old deserted mansion to use.没有人利用那栋无人居住的古老大厦真可惜了。
312. put up
    EG: We shall have to put up a fence. 我们将不得不搭起栅栏。
I should put your umbrella up. 我应该撑开你的伞。
    EG: She put up a large sign outside her house. 她在她房子外面贴了一块大招牌。
    EG: He put up as an independent candidate. 他作为独立的候选人而获提名。
    EG: The government has promised that taxes will not be put up again this year.政府许诺今年税收不会再提高。
    EG: They put me up for the night. 他们留我过夜。
313. put up with 容忍,忍受
    EG: I’m prepared to put up with it for the time being. 我准备暂时忍受一下。
314. put /bring into operation 使投入生产,使运转
315. reckon on 指望,依靠
316. reckon with
    EG: The matter is easy to deal /cope /reckon with. 这件事很容易处理。
    **cope with意为有效地或成功地对付或应付;而deal /reckon with只是采取行动去对付某人或某事,不考虑是否成功。deal with还表示“论述、涉及”的意义。reckon with还表示“估计到,预料到”的意义。
317. refer to
    [1] refer…to 引…去查阅,参考;
    [2] refer to… 提到,涉及;把…提交;
    [3] refer to… 参考,查询。
318. refer to…as 把…称为,把…当作
    EG: The American Indians referred to salt as magic white sand.美洲印第安人把盐称为魔力白沙。
319. ring off 挂断电话
    EG: I will have to ring off, I have a train to catch. 我得挂电话了,我还要赶火车呢。
320. rub out 擦掉,拭去

