

分类: 英语学习方法 
81. connect to 与……联系
It's a railway that connects Beijing to Shenzhen.
82. connect with与……联接
Where does cooker connect with the gas-pipe?
83. be considered as被认为是
She is considered as the best teacher in our school.
84. consider doing sth.考虑做……
I'm considering moving abroad.
85. be covered with被……覆盖
The ground was covered with heavy snow.
86. cut down砍倒
Don't cut down the young trees.
87. cut off砍掉;截断
Don't cut your fingers off!
The enemy had cut off our food supply.
89. cut up切碎
I'll cut up the meat.
90. date from起始于
The temple dates from over a thousand years ago.
91. deal with处理;对付;相处;涉及
How do you deal with the difficulties?
The man is hard to deal with.
The book deals with health problems.
92. do a good deed做好事
During his lifetime, Lei Feng had done many good deeds.
93. depend on取决于;信任
Whether we go to park this weekend depends on the weather.
You can always depend on Jim, for he is an honest man.
It depends on you. Any time is all right for me.
94. devote to把(时间、精力等)专注于……
Mary Curio devoted all her life to the research of radiation matters,
95. die of死于
He dies of a disease.
96. die out绝种
Many old customs are gradually dying out.
97. be different from与……不同
The picture on the right is different from the one on the left.
98. divide up把……分开
We divided the money up equally.
How shall we divide the work up?
99. divide into把……分成(几部分)
The house was divided into two parts.
100. do sb. a favor给某人帮忙
Would you do me a favor? 

