

分类: 英语口语 

Steve Jobs told his daughter that she smelled 'like a toilet' during one of their last meetings together, her new memoir reveals.


The Apple founder made the cruel dig at Lisa Brennan-Jobs as he lay dying of cancer because he smelled the rose facial mist she had sprayed on herself.


In her new book, Small Fry, Lisa reveals how her billionaire father once turned nasty and told her: 'You're getting nothing' when she asked to have his Porsche when he was done with it.

在她的新书《Small Fry》(《一些小事》)中,丽萨透露她的亿万富翁父亲曾令她非常难受。当她请求乔布斯在他不要他的保时捷跑车就把车送给她的时候,他对她说:“你什么都得不到”。

'You're not getting anything, you understand?' Jobs told her.


Lisa writes that Jobs spoke in 'such a sour, biting way' and that he once told 'I'm one of the most important people you will ever know.'



Her memoir gives unprecedented detail about the troubled relationship with her father.


She says that for her father, her very existence was a disappointment and a source of shame.


She writes: 'My existence ruined his streak. For me, it was the opposite: the closer I was to him, the less I would feel ashamed; he was part of the world, and he would accelerate me into the light.'


Lisa was born in 1978 after Jobs had a five-year relationship with her mother Chrisann Brennan which ended when she became pregnant.


Acrimony and a court case followed during which Jobs took a paternity test and still denied that he was Lisa's father.


Jobs even claimed that he was 'sterile and infertile' yet went on to have three children with his wife Laurene Powell.


Jobs finally reconciled with Lisa and apologized when she was nine years old, but the wounds of his behavior never really healed and the two had a strained relationship.


In an excerpt of Small Fry, Lisa writes about how she used to tell her school friends: 'I have a secret, my father is Steve Jobs'.

在《Small Fry》的一个片段中,丽萨写道,她曾告诉她学校里的朋友,“我有一个秘密,我的父亲是乔布斯。”

She would boast to friends saying: 'He's famous. He invented the personal computer. He lives in a mansion and drives a Porsche convertible. He buys a new one every time it gets a scratch'.


During one visit to Jobs's house Lisa plucked up the courage to ask her father about his Porsche and said: 'Can I have it when you're done?'


Jobs replied: 'Absolutely not'. Lisa writes that, judging by his reaction, she thought the story she'd been told about him replacing it after a scratch wasn't true.


She writes: 'I wished I could take it back. We pulled up to the house and he turned off the engine. Before I made a move to get out he turned to face me.


'You're not getting anything', he said. 'You understand? Nothing. You're getting nothing'.


'Did he mean about the car, something else, bigger? I didn't know. His voice hurt - sharp, in my chest.'


Jobs and Lisa's mother had met in 1972 at the age of 17 when they were both students at Homestead High School in Cupertino, California.


They split in 1977 when Chrisann became pregnant and when Lisa was born Jobs denied he was the father.


Chrisann supported herself and Lisa by working as a cleaner, a waitress, and a babysitter.


By the time Lisa was seven they had moved 13 times.


In her memoir, Lisa writes that she was forced to take a DNA test in 1980 under the orders of the district attorney of San Mateo County, California, who had sued her father for child support payments.


As a result Jobs was ordered to pay $385 a month, which he increased to $500.


Four days after the case was finished on December 8, 1980, Apple went public and overnight Jobs became worth more than $200 million.


Jobs visited Lisa around that time - she was three years old - and asked her: 'You know who I am?' He added in a voice which Chrisann described as being 'like Darth Vader': 'I'm your father'.


Jobs said: 'I'm one of the most important people you will ever know'.


Starting from the age of seven Jobs would visit Lisa once a month; he turned up in a black convertible Porsche and would go roller skating around the neighborhood with Lisa and Chrisann as they tried to paper over the many cracks in their relationship.


Lisa writes that she 'anticipated his arrival and thought about him afterwards' but for the first hour they were together there was a 'strange blankness.'


She writes: 'He didn’t talk much. There were long pauses, the thunk and whir of roller skates on pavement. A few times, I felt his eyes on me; when I looked up, he looked away.'


Lisa writes that despite all of this she still felt pride that she was his daughter.


In 2013, two years after Jobs died, Chrisann published her memoir called: 'The Bite in the Apple: A Memoir of My Life With Steve Jobs'.

2013年,乔布斯去世两年后,克里斯安出版了她的回忆录《The Bite in the Apple: A Memoir of My Life With Steve Jobs》(《苹果上的咬痕:我与史蒂夫·乔布斯的生活回忆录》)。

In the unflattering book, she claimed that success turned Jobs into a 'demon' and that she became the 'object of his cruelty'.


In 2005 she sent him a letter asking him for $30 million for a trust fund for herself and Lisa as compensation for raising their daughter.


Chrisann accused Jobs of 'dishonorable behavior' by denying paternity and said that 'money represents reconciliation'.


In one letter she wrote: 'I believe that decency and closure can be achieved through money. It is very simple'.


Jobs ignored her demand and later emails and in a terse reply said: 'I don't react well to blackmail. I will have no part in any of this.'


In one interview Walter Isaacson, who wrote Jobs's official biography, said: 'He was very petulant , he was very brittle.


'He could be very, very mean to people at times.'



