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Focus Features will release the “Downton Abbey" movie on Sept. 20, 2019, in North America and Universal Pictures International will debut it overseas a week earlier on Sept. 13, 2019.

Focus Features近期将公布《唐顿庄园》电影在北美地区的上映日期——2019年9月20日,而环球影业则将海外首映的时间提前一周至2019年9月13日。

“Since the series ended, fans of  'Downton' have long been waiting for the Crawley family's next chapter,” said Focus chairman Peter Kujawski. “We're thrilled to join this incredible group of filmmakers, actors and craftspeople, led by Julian Fellowes and Gareth Neame, in bringing back the world of 'Downton' to the big screen next September.”

“自从电视剧完结后,唐顿粉一直翘首以盼克劳利家族在新篇章中回归。”Focus总裁Peter Kujawski说,“我们十分荣幸能够加入由Julian Fellowes和Gareth Neame带领的电影制作者、演员和工作人员所组成的顶尖优秀团队,为大家在明年九月的荧幕上带来全新回归的“唐顿”世界。”


Production began in late August.


Brian Percival, who directed the series' pilot, will executive produce the movie, with Michael Engler (“30 Rock”) directing.

电影执导将由电视剧先导片导演Brian Percival和《30 Rock》(《我为喜剧狂》)的Michael担任。

The companies had announced on July 13 that the original principal cast from the television series — including Michelle Dockery, Elizabeth McGovern, Maggie Smith, and Hugh Bonneville — would return for the movie.

早在7月13日,制作公司就宣布电影将使用电视剧原班人马—包括Michelle Dockery, Elizabeth McGovern, Maggie Smith, 以及 Hugh Bonneville等人。


