

分类: 英语词汇 

请看外电相关报道:Contrary to reports that they were going to get hitched at George Clooney's Lake Como villa this month, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes will apparently be tying the knot next month, though Italy, in fact, will be the venue.

发现没?这句话含金量蛮高的,至少,除了“get married”,您还可再学会两个有关“结婚”的表达——“get hitched”和“tie the knot”。相比而言,“tie the knot”更为大家熟知,它与我们汉语中的“喜结连理”颇有异曲同工之妙。英语中,“tie the knot”常用来指“get married”(结婚)或“to perform a marriage ceremony”(举行婚礼)。

“Get hitched”是“结婚”的俚语表达。与“tie the knot”相比,“get hitched”更常用于口语,而“tie the knot”则多见于报刊杂志等书面文章。看两个例句:We got hitched last weekend.(上周末我俩结婚了);The odds for a happy marriage may favor those who tie the knot between the ages of 23 and 27, says a survey.(一项调查表明,幸福的婚姻可能会更偏爱那些在23到27岁间喜结良缘的人。)

另外,在西方,教堂婚礼的重头戏是由牧师带领两位新人作“wedding vows”(结婚誓言),通常是这样的一段话:I, John, take thee Rose to be my wedded wife……(我,约翰,愿娶你,罗斯,成为我的太太……)

