

分类: 英语词汇 
in evidence 明显
in excess of 超过
in excess 过度地
in exchange for 交换
in exchange with 交换
in excuse of 作为辩解
in existence 存在
in expectation 期望着
in face of 面临
in fact 事实上
in faith 确实
in fault 有过错
in favor of 赞同
in favor with 得...宠爱
in fear and trembling 忐忑不安
in file 依次
in fine feather 精神饱满
in flagrant delict 在作案时
in flesh 肥胖
in flight 飞行
in focus 清晰
in for a penny and in for a pound 一不做二不休
in force 大规模地
in Fortune's lap 走好运
in fraud of 为了欺骗
in front of 在前面
in front 在前面
in full bloom 开着花
in full career 全速地
in full charge 负全责
in full fling 莽撞地
in full sail 全力以赴地
in full swing 活跃
in full view of 把...尽收眼底
in full 充足
in fun 开玩笑
in gear 齿轮连上
in general 通常
in good condition 身体健康
in good season 及时地
in good taste 得体
in good time 及时地
in grain 彻底
in great force 大规模地
in great form 兴高采烈
in half a shake 立刻
in hand 在进行
in harness 受约束
in haste 匆忙
in heart 情绪高涨
in heaven 已死
in hell 究竟
in high favor with 得到某人的宠爱或眷顾
in high spirits 兴高采烈
in hock 在典当中
in honor of 向...表示敬意
in honour of 为纪念
in installments 分期地
in irons 被监禁着
in issue 在争论中
in itself 在本质上
in jest 开玩笑地
in justice to 公正对待
in keeping with 与一致
in kind 以货代款
in league with 联合
in length 长度
in less than no time 马上
in life 一生中
in light of 按照
in light 被光线照着
in like manner 同样地
in like wise 同样地
in line for 即将得到
in line with 符合
in line 成一直线
in livery 穿制服
in long clothes 在襁褓中
in low spirits 沮丧地
in low water 拮据
in luck 运气好
in many ways 在许多方面
in memorial 为纪念
in memory of 纪念
in milk 授乳期
in miniature 小型
in mint condition 崭新的
in modern times 在现代
in more detail 更详细地
in mourning 戴孝
in my opinion 依我看来
in nature 实际上
in need of 需要
in no case 决不
in no circumstances 决不
in no sense 决不
in no shape 决不
in no time 立刻
in no way 决不
in no wise 决不
in number 总共
in one breath 同时
in one leap 以一跃
in one 成为一体
in one's best 穿着节日盛装
in one's birthday suit 一丝不挂
in one's cups 在喝醉时
in one's element 处于适宜的环境
in one's heart of hearts 在内心深处
in one's mind's eye 想像
in one's own conceit 自以为
in one's own good time 在方便的时候
in one's own name 以自己的名义
in one's own right 凭本身的头衔
in one's own way 用.方法
in one's own worth 自我评估中
in one's power 在...能力以内
in one's right senses 神志清醒
in one's skin 裸体
in one's soul of souls 在灵魂深处
in one's stockings 只着袜
in one's teens 在13岁到19岁时
in one's turn 轮到某人
in operation 运转着
in opposition to 反对
in order to 为了
in order 整齐
in other ways 在其他方面
in other words 换言之
in pairs 成双地
in part 部分地
in particular 特别
in passing 顺便
in peace 安祥地
in person 亲自
in perspective 正确地
in petticoats 穿着裙子
in phase 同相地
in place of 代替
in place 适当位置
in plain English 用浅显的英语
in play 开玩笑地
in point of fact 实际上
in point of 关于
in point 相关的
in port 在港内
in position 在适当的位置
in possession of 拥有
in practice 在实践中
in praise of 为赞扬
in preparation for 准备
in pride of grease 适于狩猎
in principle 原则上
in print 已出版
in private 私下
in process 在进行中
in progress 前进
in proportion as 按比例
in proportion to 成比例于
in public places 在公共场所
in public 当众
in pup 怀胎
in pursuit of 追求
in quadruplicate 一式四份
in question 所指的
in quire 未装订
in range with 并列
in range 在射程内
in real earnest 认真地
in reality 实际上
in reason 明智
in recent years 最近几年中
in recess 暂停
in reference to 根据
in regard to 关于
in relation to 关于
in reply to 答复
in requital for 作为报答
in residence 住校
in respect of 涉及
in respect that 因为
in response to 响应
in result 结果
in return for 作为报答
in return 作为报答
in reward for 作为报答
in round figures 以整数表示
in round numbers 大概
in royal spirits 情绪极好
in ruins 成为废墟地
in sad earnest 一本正经地
in safety 平安地
in sail 张着帆
in school 在求学
in score 用总谱
in scores 大批地
in search of 寻找
in season and out of season 任何时候
in season 当令
in seconds 短时间
in secret 秘密地
in security for 作担保
in security 安全地
in series 连续地
in session 在开会
in seven-league boots 极快
in shape 在外形上
in shore 靠岸
in short order 在短期内
in short supply 缺货
in short 简而言之
in sight of 临近
in sight 被看到
in sign of 表示
in silence 沉默着
in silhouette 成剪影
in single file 成一列纵队
in situ 在原位置
in smooth water 处于顺境中
in so far as 至于
in so far 到这个程度
in so many words 明确地
in so much 至如此程度
in solution 溶解着
in some measure 多少
in some respects 在某些方面
in some sort 稍微
in some ways 在某些方面
in sour 出事
in spades 肯定地
in spirits 兴致勃勃
in spite of oneself 不由自主地
in spite of 不管
in spots 时时
in state 正式地
in stays 转向上风
in stead of 代替
in step 步调一致
in stitches 忍不住大笑
in stock 有库存
in store for 储藏备用
in store 贮藏着
in substance 本质上
in succession 接着
in such a way 这样
in sum 总言之
in sunder 分开着
in support of 支持
in support 后备
in suspension 悬浮中
in tandem 一前一后地
in tears 流着泪
in terms of 根据
in that way 那样
in the abstract 抽象地
in the affirmative 赞成
in the afternoon 在下午
in the air 在流传中
in the article of death 临死时
in the beginning 起初
in the black 赢利
in the case of 在
in the center of 在中间
in the character of 扮演
in the chips 富有
in the circumstances 既然这样
in the clear 不受阻碍
in the clouds 心不在焉
in the collar 受到约束
in the construction of 建筑
in the country 在乡下
in the course of nature 正常地
in the course of time 最后
in the course of 在...期间
in the dark 在黑暗中
in the distance 在远处
in the dry tree 处于劣势
in the dust 死了
in the east of 在东
in the egg 未成熟地
in the employ of 受雇于
in the end 最后
in the event of 如果发生
in the event 结果
in the extreme 极端
in the eyes of 心目中的
in the face of day 公开地
in the face of 面对
in the field 在作战
in the final analysis 归根到底
in the first instance 首先
in the first place 首先
in the flesh 亲自
in the flue 垮了
in the form of 以...的形式
in the front rank 在前列
in the future 未来
in the green tree 处于优势
in the green wood 处于佳境
in the groove 流行中
in the gross 大量
in the habit of 有...的习惯
in the heat of 在最激烈的时候
in the highest flight 领先
in the hope of 怀着希望
in the interest of 为了
in the issue 结果
in the lap of luxury 在奢侈环境中
in the last analysis 归根到底
in the last resort 作为最后一着
in the least 丝毫
in the light of 按照
in the log 未经加工
in the long run 最后
in the lump 总共
in the main 大体上
in the mass 总体上
in the matter of 就而论
in the meantime 在此期间
in the middle of nowhere 在偏僻的地方
in the middle of 在中间
in the mill 在制造中
in the mouth of 出于
in the movement 随着时代潮流
in the name of 以名义
in the nature of things 理所当然地
in the nature of 具有
in the negative 否定地
in the next place 其次
in the nick of time 恰好
in the nude 裸体
in the open air 在户外
in the open 在野外
in the opinion of 按...的意见
in the past 在过去
in the pay of 受雇用于
in the person of 代表
in the pink of condition 非常健康
in the pot 醉了
in the presence of 在面前
in the present of 在面前
in the process of 在过程中
in the proper sense 在本来意义上
in the raw 处于自然状态
in the region of 在附近
in the right direction 方向正确
in the road 挡路
in the rough 未完成
in the round 全面地
in the running 参加比赛
in the same boat 处境相同
in the same box 处于同样的困境
in the same breath 同时
in the same camp 志同道合
in the same oven 处于相同的困境
in the same way 同样地
in the sequel 结果
in the shade 在荫凉处
in the shadow of 在附近
in the shape of 以形式
in the short run 从短期看
in the soup 在困境中
in the spirits 在内心
in the suburbs of 在...的郊区
in the sun 无忧无虑
in the swim 合时髦
in the teeth of the wind 逆风
in the teeth of 对抗
in the teeth 直接反对
in the thick of 在最激烈的时刻
in the traces 受驾驭
in the tub 破产
in the turn of a hand 顷刻间
in the very act of 正当
in the vicinity of 在邻近
in the wake of 尾随
in the warm 在暖和的地方
in the way of 关于
in the way 挡道
in the wind 在进行
in the wings 在后方
in the womb of time 在酝酿中
in the works 计划中
in the world 世界上
in the wrong box 处于困境
in the year one 早年

