

分类: 英语词汇 
中华民国证券柜台买卖中心 GreTai Securities Market
上柜: Over-The-Counter
正式上市证券:Official List
上柜申请:requirements for listing on the over-the-counter market
正式挂牌:goes public on the list of stock Exchange
柜台买卖中心:Over-The-Counter Securities exchange
证券暨期货管理委员会: Securities and Futures Commission,Ministry of Finance
兴柜股票: Emerging Stock
补办公开发行: go back to the IPO process/made up the public offering
经济部投审会: the Investment Commission, MOEA
股权: share options
无担保可转换公司债暨柜台买卖:unsecured convertible corporate bonds & OTC trading
无担保:unsecured;公司债:Corporate Bonds;柜台买卖:OTC Trading;暨:&
可转换: Convertible
公开发行:issue public stocks
上市前会计辅导:Pre-IPO accounting service
辅导上市:stock-into-market tutorship
经济部工业局: the Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA
工业技术研究院: the Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan, ROC
董监事会: Board of Director
独立董事: Independent Director
独立监察人:independent supervisor
工业局: Industrial Development Bureau
国科会: National Science Council
经济部: Ministry of Economic Affairs
环保署: Environmental Protection Administration, EPA
"台湾精品奖": Taiwan Excellent Product Award
台湾精品证书 Taiwan Excellent Product Certificate
天下杂志: Commonwealth Magazine
台北票据交换所: TWNCH
经济部商品检验局 Bureau of Commodity Standards, MOEA
经济部投审会 the Investment Commission, MOEA
经济部商业司 Civil Services of Doc, MOEA
经济部中央标准局 Bureau of Central Standard, MOEA
行政院环保署 EPA, Executive Yuan
省卫生处 Department of Health
证期会 Securities and Futures Commission
证管会 Securities and Exchange Commission
"专利侵害诉讼": patent infringement lawsuits
经济部:Ministry of Economic Affaris, ROC
台湾证券交易所:Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
自有品牌:Own Brand
境外公司: Off-shore company
电源供应器: power supply unit
投审会:The Investment Commission, Ministry of Economics Affairs, ROC
安装全自动生产设备: Installed fully automatic assembly
兴柜市场挂牌: Go listed on Taiwan OTC stock market
工业局: Industrial Development Bureau
国科会: National Science Council
经济部: Ministry of Economic Affairs
环保署: Environmental Protection Administration, EPA
"台湾精品奖": Taiwan Excellent Product Award
台湾精品证书 Taiwan Excellent Product Certificate
天下杂志: Commonwealth Magazine
台北票据交换所: TWNCH
经济部商品检验局 Bureau of Commodity Standards, MOEA
经济部投审会 the Investment Commission, MOEA
经济部商业司 Civil Services of Doc, MOEA
经济部中央标准局 Bureau of Central Standard, MOEA
行政院环保署 EPA, Executive Yuan
省卫生处 Department of Health
证期会 Securities and Futures Commission
证管会 Securities and Exchange Commission

