

分类: 英语词汇 
FAB Computer-Chip Fabrication Plant
FAC File Access Code
FAMOS Floating Gate Avalanche MOS
FANS Future Air Navigation System
FAP File Access Protocol
FAPI Family Application Program Interface
FAQ Frequently Asked Question
FARNET Federation of American Research Networks [Internet]
FASIC Function and Algorithm-Specific Integrated Circuit
FAT File Allocation Table
FAX Facsimile
.FAX Fax (file name extension)
FC/AL Fiber Channel/Arbitrated Loop
FCB File Control Block
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FCC: File Carbon Copy
FCCSET Federal Coordinating Council for
Science, Engineering and Technology
FC/EL Fiber Channel/Enhanced Loop
FCI Flux Changes per Inch
FCL Fibre Channel Loop
FCR FIFO Control Register
FCS Fiber Channel Standard + Frame Check Sequence
FD Floppy Disk + Floppy Drive + Full Duplex
FDC Floppy Disk Controller
FDDI Fiber Digital Device Interface +
Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FDISK Fixed Disk
FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
FDX Full Duplex
FEC Forward Error Correction
FECN Forward Explicit Congestion Notification
FED Field Emission/Emitter Display
FEFO First-Ended, First-Out
FEP Front End Processor
FEPI Front End Programming Interface
FeRAM Ferroelectric RAM
FESDK Far East Software Development Kit [Microsoft]
FET Field Effect Transistor
FF Flip-Flop + Form Feed
FFDC First Failure Data Capture [IBM]
FFS Fast File System
FFST First Failure Support Technology [IBM]
FFT Fast Fourier Transform + Final Form Text [IBM]
FG Floating Gate
FGREP Fixed Global Regular Expression Print [Unix]
FHS Fan Heat-Sink
FHSS Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum
FIF Fractal Image Format
FIFO First-In, First-Out
FILO First-In, Last-Out
FIP File Processor Buffering
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard
FIR Fast Infrared + Finite Impulse Response
.FIRM Business or Firm (Domain Name) [Internet]
FIRST Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams
FIU Fingerprint Identification Unit [Sony]
FIX Federal Internet Exchange
FLA Four Letter Acronym
FLC Ferro-electric Liquid Crystal
FLD Field
FLL FoxPro Link Library [Microsoft Fox Pro]
FLOPS Floating Point Operations Per Second
.FLR Folder (file name extension)
FMS Forms Management System
FMT Format
FMV Full Motion Video
FNT Font
FOCUS Forum of Control Data Users
FOD Fax On Demand
FOG First Osborne Group
FOIP Fax Over Internet Protocol
FOIRL Fiber Optic Inter Repeater Link [IEEE]
FOLDOC Free On-Line Dictionary Of Computing
.FON Font + Phone + Phone Directory (all file name
.FOR Fortran source code (file name extension)
FORTH (Programming Language)(See HLL)
FORTRAN Formula Translator (Programming Language)(See HLL)
FOSE Federal Office Systems Exposition
FOSI Format Option Specification Instance
FOSSIL Fido/Opus/Seadog Standard Interface Layer
FPC Floating Point Calculation
FPCE Floating-Point C Extension (specification)
FPGA Field Programmable Gate-Array
FPLA Field Programmable Logic-Array
FPM Fast Page Mode
FPP Fixed Path Protocol + Floating Point Processor
FPR Floating-Point Register
FPS Favorite Picture Selection + Frames Per Second
FPT Forced Perfect Termination
FPU Floating Point Unit
FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name [Internet]
FRAD Frame Relay Access Device +
Frame Relay Assembler/Disassembler
FRAG Fragment + Fragmentation
FRAM Ferroelectric Random-Access Memory
FRC Functional Redundancy Checking
FRED Frame Editor + Front-End to Dish
FRPI Flux Reversals Per Inch
.FRS WordPerfect Graphics Driver (file name extension)
FS File Separator
FSB Front Side Bus
FSD File System Driver [OS/2]
FSE Full Screen Editor
FSF Free Software Foundation [Internet]
FSK Frequency Shift Keying
FSN Full Service Network
FSP File Service Protocol
FSR Free System Resources
FST Flat Square Tube (monitor)
F/T Full Time
FTAM File Transfer, Access and Management +
File Transfer and Access Method
FTL Flash Transition Layer [Intel]
FTM Flat Tension Mask [Zenith]
FTP File Transfer Protocol [Internet]
FTPD File Transfer Protocol Daemon
FTTC Fiber To The Curb
FTS Federal Telecommunication System
FTX Fault Tolerant Unix
FUI File Update Information
FUNC Function
FVT Full Video Translation
FYI For Your Information
GA General Availability
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
GAL Generic Array Logic
GAPI Gateway Application Programming Interface
GART Graphics Address Relocation Table
GATT Graphics Address Translation Table
Gb Gigabit (1,024 megabits) +
(One Billion Bits of Information)
GB Gigabyte (1,024 megabytes) +
(One Billion Characters of Information)
GCC GNU C-Compiler [Unix]
GCCD Glass-Passivated Ceramic Chip Diode
GCR Group Code Recording
GDA Global Data Area
GDDM Graphics Data Display Manager
GDG Generation Data Group [IBM]
GDI Graphical Device Interface
GDLC Generic Data Link Control [IBM]
GDP Graphic Draw Primitive
GDT Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing +
Global Descriptor Table +
Graphics Development Toolkit
GECOS General Electric Comprehensive Operating System
GEIS General Electric Information Service (company)
GEM Graphics Environment Manager (DRI Program)
GENIE General Electric Network for
Information Exchange
GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit
GEOS Graphic Environment Operating System [Geoworks]
GET Get Execute Trigger
GFI General Format Identifier + Ground-Fault Interceptor
GGP Gateway-Gateway Protocol [Internet]
GHZ Gigahertz
.GID ics (file name extension) [Microsoft]
.GIF Graphics Interchange Format (file name extension)
GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out
GII Global Information Infrastructure
GILS Government Information Locator Service
GIMPS Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
GINA Graphical Identification and Authentication
GIS Geographic Information System +
Global Information Solutions [AT&T]
GIX Global Internet Exchange [Internet]
GKS Graphical Kernel System
GL Graphics Language
G/L General Ledger
GLIS Global Land Information System [US Geological Survey]
GLM General Linear Models
GLOBE Global Learning by Observations to Benefit
the Environment [Internet]
.GLY Glossary (file name extension) [Microsoft Word]
GML Generalized Markup Language
GMP Global Mobile Professional
GMR Giant Magneto-Resistive (read head technology)
GMS Global Management System +
Global Messaging Service [Novell]
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GND Ground (signal/system)
GNN Global Network Navigator
GNU Gnu's Not Unix (operating system)
GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment
GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile
.GOV Governmental (Domain Name) [Internet]
GP Gas Plasma + General Purpose
GPF General Protection Fault
GPI Graphics Programming Interface
GPIB General Purpose Information/Interface Bus
GPR General Purpose Register [IBM]
GPRC Glass Passivated Rectifier Chip
GPS Global Positioning Satellite/System +
Global Product Specification
GPSS * General Purpose Systems Simulator (language)
GPU Graphics Processing Unit
GRADD Graphics Adapter Device Driver [IBM]
GRE Graphics Engine
GREP Global Regular Expression Print
.GRF Graph (file name extension)
.GRP Group (file name extension)
GS Group Separator
GSI General Server Interface
GSM Global Shared Memory +
Global System for Mobile-Communications (network)
GSNW Gateway Service for NetWare [Microsoft]
GSP Generic Server Passer + Global Service Provider
GSTN General Switched Telephone Network
GTE General Telephone Electronics (corporation)
GTF Generalized Timing Format
GTL Gunning Transceiver Logic
GTO Guide To Operations [IBM]
GTP * Geometry Theorem Prover
GUI Graphical User Interface
GUID Globally Unique Identifier +
Global Universal Identifier
GVT Global Virtual Time
.gz Compressed file (compressed filename extension -
using GNU gzip compression/decompression program) [Unix]

