

分类: 英语词汇 

“米袋子”工程 "rice bag" (grain supply) program

“菜篮子”工程 "vegetable basket" (non-staple food supply) program

物价上涨 price hike

价格过度上涨 excessive price hikes

消费者价格指数 Consumer Price Index (CPI)

生产者价格指数 Producer Price Index

稳健的财政政策 prudent fiscal policy

从紧的货币政策 tight monetary policy

固定资产投资 fixed asset investment

资源产品价格改革 price revisions of resource products

推动价格上涨的压力 upward pressure on prices

增加有效供给 to increase effective supply

抑制过度需求 to curb excessive demand

最受关注话题 topics of most concern

社会保障 social security

低收入人群 low-income population

进一步扩大内需和消费 to further expand domestic demand and consumption

稳定价格防止经济过热 to stabilize prices and prevent the economy from overheating

旧式的、依靠投资和出口拉动经济增长的模式old practice of relying on investment and exports for economic growth

正确把握宏观调控的节奏、重点和力度 to maintain an appropriate pace, focus and intensity in macroeconomic controls

加强粮食、食用植物油、肉类等基本生活必需品生产 to boost the production of daily necessities such as grain, vegetable oil and meat

提高涉及人身健康和安全产品的生产许可条件和市场准入门槛 to raise the requirements for production permits and tighten market access for products related to people's health and safety 

