

分类: 英语词汇 

统筹经济建设和国防建设 to balance economic development and national defense

完成多样化军事任务 accomplish a diverse array of military tasks

领土完整 territorial integrity

人民武装警察部队 the People's Armed Force

执勤、处置突发事件、反恐维稳能力 ability to enforce law, respond to emergencies, combat terrorism and safeguard stability

国防预算 defense budget

中国的领土和主权完整 China's sovereignty and territorial integrity

一国两制 One China, Two Systems

台湾同胞 Taiwan compatriots

促进两岸和平 to promote cross-Straits peace

和平发展两岸关系 peaceful development of cross-Straits relations

促进两岸经济文化交流 to promote cross-Straits economic and cultural exchanges

“三通”(通邮、通商、通航) direct links of mail, transport and trade

“台独”分裂活动 "Taiwan independence" secessionist activities

“台独”分裂势力 "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces

“入联公投” "referendum" on Taiwan's United Nations membership

