
希腊债务危机词汇 上

分类: 英语词汇 

Grexit 希腊退出欧元区

Short for "Greek exit" from the Eurozone. First coined by financial analysts in 2012 and now a real and looming possibility. Not to be confused with "Brexit" - the possibility of Britain leaving the EU.


Greferendum 希腊公投

Another handy portmanteau - short for "Greek referendum". The outcome of Greece's debt crisis now rests in the hands of its people after Greece announced it would hold a referendum on 5 July on the terms of its debts.


ECB(European Central Bank) 欧洲央行

The ECB is the central bank of the eurozone and is responsible for setting the currency's monetary policy. It is owed about 6% of Greece's overall debt.


Austerity 紧缩

Europe-wide economic policy of reducing government spending to reduce deficit or borrowing. Austerity measures were implemented in Greece as a condition of bailout loans, but rejected by its new anti-austerity government in January.


Drachma 德拉克马

Greek currency before it was replaced by euro in 2001. The word translates as "handful". One of the world's earliest currencies, and the oldest in Europe, the drachma dates back as far as 1,100BC. It could soon make a hasty comeback.


ELA(Emergency Liquidity Assistance) 紧急流动性援助

Emergency cash, in effect, loaned to Greece by the ECB to make sure Greek banks stay afloat while the country negotiates with its creditors.


