带ing的动词或带to+不定式的动词 1

When one verb is followed by another, the second verb can either be an Infinitive or an –ing form. Some verbs can be followed by only an infinitive , others by only an –ing form and some by both but with a change in meaning. To know which structure to use, you can consult a good dictionary but here are some common examples.
Verb + infinitive
• I want to speak to the manager.• She’s learning to ride a horse.• He offered to help us wash up.
‘Want’, ’learn’ and ‘offer’ are followed by to + infinitive
‘Want’, ’learn’ 和 ‘offer’后面跟to + 不定式
Other verbs in this group include: afford, agree, ask, choose, decide, expect, hope, prepare, promise, pretend,refuse, would like.
其他动词包括afford, agree, ask, choose, decide, expect, hope, prepare, promise, pretend,refuse, would like。
Verb + ‘ing’ form
• I enjoy travelling.• He admitted stealing the necklace.• I don’t mind waiting if you’re busy.
‘enjoy’ ‘admit’ and ‘mind’ are followed by the ‘ing’ form
‘enjoy’ ‘admit’和‘mind’后面跟 ‘ing’形式
Other verbs in this group include: avoid, consider, dislike, feel like, finish, give up, can’t help, practise, ‘ing’ suggest.
其他动词包括:avoid, consider, dislike, feel like, finish, give up, can’t help, practise。
Verb + infinitive or ‘ing’ form with no change in meaning
A few verbs can be followed by either an infinitive or the ‘ing’ form and the meaning does not change.
• I started to work here in 1994.• I started working here in 1994.The meaning of these two sentences is the same.
There aren’t many verbs that can take an infinitive or an ‘ing’ form with no change in meaning. ‘Begin’ and ‘continue’ are two more examples.
这样的单词不多, ‘Begin’ and ‘continue’ 是另外两个例子。
There is also a group of verbs that can be followed by an infinitive or an ‘ing’ form with a change in meaning. These verbs will be covered in another section.