

分类: 英语词汇 

“Strategy、scheme” 和 “tactic” 有相似之处,也有细微的区别。

我们从 “strategy” 开始讲解。名词 “strategy” 指 “策略,战略”,也就是 “为实现成功的结果而制定的详细计划”,通常需要在很长一段时间内完成。比如,“strategy” 可以用来谈论公司在规划未来运营和交易方式时制定的战略,也可以谈论下棋的策略和方法;你可能听过 “exit strategy” 这个搭配,它常用在商业语境中,指 “为了在离开一个局面时尽可能降低伤害或损失而制定的退路”。

注意两点:第一,名词 “strategy” 只是一种计划,不一定是必胜法则;第二,它的形容词是 “strategic”,意思是 “战略性的”。听三个使用了名词 “strategy” 的例句。


Our business strategy is to sell large volumes of low-cost products and increase profits.


The football team's strategy is to win more games and end the season at the top of the table.


My investment strategy is to invest in gold for the next five years.


我们接着看 “scheme”。“Scheme” 作名词时的意思是 “计划”,它特指 “由某人安排组织、供他人遵循的计划”。

名词 “scheme” 通常由政府或组织策划,目的是为民众等提供服务或帮助。比如,一些政府可能推行了 “training schemes(培训计划)”、“back-to-work schemes(重返工作计划)” 等等,从而帮助失业者找工作。来听听下面的三个例子。


The council has set up a scheme for recycling plastic bottles.


The company operates a scheme where employees can save for their pension.


This new scheme offers incentives to people who cycle to work instead of drive.


上面,我们讲了和 “计划” 有关的词语。而 “tactic” 一词则指的是 “实现这些计划所采用的具体战术”。单数 “tactic” 或复数 “tactics” 都表示 “实现计划所采用的具体手段或做出的行动”。听三个例句。


His tactic to win the race was to start slowly and sprint towards the end.


The car company has changed its tactics and is now focussing on just making electric vehicles.


Her tactic to keep detailed notes from her lectures paid off – it helped her pass all her exams.


补充一点,“tactic” 的形容词是 “tactical”,意思是 “战术上的”。


He made a tactical decision to arrive early at the office which meant he got the best desk!


有关这三个和 “制定计划” 有关的词,我们就讲到这里。“Strategy(战略)” 指 “为了实现重大成果所制定的长期计划”,比如可以改变企业发展方向的重大想法;“scheme(计划)” 是 “旨在提供服务并改善现状的计划方案”;“tactic(战术)” 是 “执行计划的具体手段”。

