

分类: 英语口语 

water conservation 节约用水

extend our sincere congratulations on 对…表示衷心祝贺

model city of water conservation 节约用水先进城市

attain the results expected 使…取得预期效果

confer honorable awards on 授予…光荣称号

strive for 为…而奋斗

a city of severe water shortage 严重缺水城市

units concerned 有关单位

compared with ,there is still some way to go  与…比有差距

wish a complete success 预祝…圆满成功

broaden sources of income &reduce expenditure 开源与节流并重

seaport for foreign trade 对外贸易港口

National Gross Products 国内生产总值

merrily gather 欢聚一堂

vigorous economic region 活跃的经济带

solid foundation 基础雄厚

may you have a most pleasant impression 留下最美好的印象

the grand occasion 盛世

wish a pleasant stay 祝愿在停留愉快

comprehensive commercial seaport 综合性商港

spring is very much in the air 春意盎然

forest coverage 森林覆盖率

global warming 全球变暖

principal element 主要因素

toxic emission 废气排放

ignite the sparks of understanding 迸发出心灵的火花

build the bridge for cooperation 建立合作桥梁

substantial in content 内容翔实

major province of energy 能源大省

tight in schedule 日程紧凑

call upon 号召

conservation benefits 节水的好处

industrial reuse and recycling 工业中水利用

